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266 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 313: 261–270, 2006

enrichment gradient. The total contribution of fish      regard to location, values were significantly different
farm waste to SOM also increased with increasing dis-    among all locations for all 3 distance categories. For
tance from cages (pellet + ejection = 17%) to more dis-  δ15NPOM (Fig. 5c), each location was significantly differ-
tant sites (pellet + ejection = 33%).                    ent from the others within each distance (ANOVA, p <
                                                         0.05), whereas δ15NSOM values at Capo D’Orlando Bay
               HYDRO Control — Egadi Islands             (CORL) and Gulf of Casetellammare (CAST) were sig-
                                                         nificantly different from each other (ANOVA, p < 0.05)
  In the Egadi Islands (control location), δ13CPOM and   only at the 0 and 1000 m sites, respectively (Fig. 5d).
δ15NPOM values showed significant differences
(ANOVA, p < 0.05) among the 3 distance categories,                              All systems together
except for N between the 500 and 1000 m distances
(Fig. 4a). In contrast, the isotopic composition of SOM    The cluster analysis (Fig. 6) performed on the POM
was almost constant among distance categories, and       mixing model percent data (converted to a similarity ma-
did not show significant differences (ANOVA, p > 0.05)   trix using the Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient) isolated
for either δ13C or δ15N values (Fig. 4b). The mixing     3 clusters: a first cluster with control sites from Egadi Is-
model run with only 1 mixture and 2 sources indicated    lands (EI) grouping close together; a second cluster
that the overall terrigenous contribution ranged on      (hereafter referred to as cluster POM A) grouping Menfi
average between 23 and 41%, whereas the autochtho-       Bay (MEN) HYDRO 2 (500 m), MEN HYDRO 2 (1000 m),
nous contribution (phytoplankton and sand microflora     CORL HYDRO 3 (0 m) and CORL HYDRO 3 (500 m) with
for POM and SOM, respectively) ranged on average         an average Bray Curtis similarity of 87%; and a third
between 59 and 69%.                                      group (hereafter referred as cluster POM B) grouping
                                                         CAST HYDRO 1 (0 m), CAST HYDRO 1 (500 m), CAST
    Comparison of δ13C and δ15N in POM and SOM           HYDRO 1 (1000 m), MEN HYDRO 2 (0 m) and MEN
                   within distance categories            HYDRO 3 (1000 m). The highest level of average Bray-
                                                         Curtis dissimilarity was recorded for comparisons
  The comparison of δ13CPOM values from 0 m sites        between EI control group sites and sites belonging to
among locations showed no significant differences        POM B group. The POM A group exhibited an inter-
(ANOVA, p > 0.05), while values from the 500 and         mediate position (Fig. 6). In all comparisons, the sources
1000 m sites were considerably more variable than        contributing most to dissimilarities were phytoplankton
those from the 0 m sites, in particular because of the   contribution (PHY) and pelletted food (PEL) (Fig. 6).
Gulf of Castellammore values (Fig. 5a). The origin of
δ13CSOM was markedly different (ANOVA, p < 0.05)           The cluster analysis (Fig. 7) performed on SOM mix-
(Fig. 5b); while no clear trends were apparent with      ing model percent data identified 3 main Bray-Curtis
                                                         groups. The first group (hereafter referred to as CTRL)
                                                         represented all control sites. The second group (here-

0m                                       500 m                                 1000 m (a)

C = –22.7 ± 0.2  C = –21.7 ± 0.6                                               C = –22.5 ± 0.1
N = 5.9 ± 0.3    N = 5.0 ± 0.2                                                 N = 5.3 ± 0.1

                 C p < 0.05; N p < 0.05                C p < 0.05; N p > 0.05

PHY = 68.5                               PHY = 65-5                            PHY =63.5
TER = 31.5                               TER = 34-5                            TER = 36.5
PEL = ------                             PEL = ------                          PEL = ------
EJE = ------                             EJE = ------                          EJE = ------

                 C p < 0.05; N p < 0.05

0m                                       500 m                                 1000 m (b)       Fig. 4. Mean isotopic values (‰)
                                                                                                ± SE of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen
C = –18.7 ± 0.2  C = –18.3 ± 0.1                         C = –17.9 ± 0.5                        (δ15N) measured at each distance at
                                                                                                Egadi Islands. Significant differ-
N = 4.2 ± 0.2    N = 4.4 ± 0.1                           N = 4.6 ± 0.1                          ences between distance categories
                                                                                                (0 vs. 500 m; 500 vs. 1000 m; 0 vs.
              C p > 0.05; N p > 0.05                   C p > 0.05; N p > 0.05                   1000 m) indicated by p < 0.05
                                                                                                (ANOVA). Percent contribution of
SM = 59.0                             SM = 62.5          SM = 67.0                              each organic matter source also
TER = 41.0                            TER = 37.5         TER = 23.0                             reported for (a) POM and (b) SOM:
PEL = ------                          PEL = ------       PEL = ------
EJE = ------                          EJE = ------       EJE = ------                              see Figs. 2 & 3 for abbreviations

                 C p > 0.05; N p > 0.05
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10