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M. Masseti: Homogenisation and the loss of biodiversity of mammals of the Mediterranean islands 187

also reported from Lesbos (Pieper 1981, Niethammer            instance, evidence of the occurrence of the Eurasian
1989). The Guenther’s vole, Microtus guentheri Danford        water vole was found only in barn owls’ pellets on the
and Alston 1880, is known at present only on Lesbos           banks of the lake of Hula before this was drained during
(Pieper 1981, Niethammer 1989, Krysˇ tufek 1999a), while      the early 1950s (Dor 1947), and it would appear to have
a subfossil form of the same species, characterised by        been extirpated as a consequence of this event (Diment-
very large size, has been documented amongst the Holo-        man et al. 1992, Mendelssohn and Yom-Tov 1999)
cene fauna of the island of Chios (Eastern Aegean Sea)        (Figure 22).
(Besenecker et al. 1972, Kock 1974). Snow voles, Chio-
nomys nivalis Martins 1842, have been found only in              Based on the information provided by Pasa (1959), we
Euboea, where they have been reported from Mount Dir-         could hypothesise that in Sicily too the presence of the
phys, at an altitude of 1700 m above sea level (Ondrias       species was documented only for chronologies prior to
1965, 1966). Cheylan (1988) also reported from Euboea         the definitive drainage of the wetlands of the surround-
the occurrence of the common pine vole, Microtus sub-         ings of Agrigento. Moreover, regarding the assumption
terraneus de Se´ lys-Longchamos 1836, whereas Nie-            that Eurasian water voles were part of the Holocene
thammer and Krapp (1978) and Krysˇ tufek (1999b)              fauna of Sicily, up to 1872 Doderlein (1872) claimed to
observed that this species is absent from the entire Med-     have sighted numerous populations of this rodent in the
iterranean coast and islands.                                 marshes in the southern part of the island. The progres-
                                                              sive desiccation of terrain in the Holocene as opposed
   Widespread in the continental areas and islands of         to the Pleistocene might favour the survival of only those
more northerly Europe, voles are effectively considerably     voles of more aquatic characteristics, such as precisely
less diffuse in the Mediterranean insular ambits (cf. Cor-    Arvicola amphibius. Instead in northern Europe, in more
bet and Harris 1991, Corbet 1978, Mitchell-Jones et al.       favourable conditions of humidity, this vole loses its more
1999), even if, as we have seen, the biogeography of          markedly aquatic capacities, expressing populations of a
Corsica, Sardinia and Malta was at length characterised       completely terrestrial nature. Furthermore, chrono-geo-
by the presence of several endemic representatives of         graphical data and molecular phylogenetic studies could
this taxonomic group. Beyond those just mentioned, very       sustain the possibility that the Italian water vole repre-
few other Mediterranean islands are known to be pres-         sents a taxon distinct from the other central and western
ently inhabited by voles. These are essentially Krk, in the   populations grouped within A. amphibious (cf. Masini et
Quarnero Gulf (Croatia), from where Tvrtkovic´ et al.         al. 2007).
(1985) dubiously recorded the presence of the bank vole,
Myodes glareolus Schreber 1780, and the common vole,          Invasive alien species
and Elba from where the Savi’s pine vole was reported
only once by Vesmanis and Hutterer (1980) and has nev-        As observed by Cucchi et al. (2005) and Cucchi and
er since been found in any of the subsequent studies          Vigne (2006), the success of island colonisation by small
conducted on the island (Contoli et al. 1988, Agnelli         commensal mammals depends on the magnitude of the
1996, De Marinis and Masseti 1996, Nappi 2001). The           migrant flow and the availability of an ecological niche
Guenther’s vole is also dispersed in Cyrenaica (north-        for the new migrants. Since very ancient times, migrant
eastern Libya), which can be regarded as an ecological        flow has been supported by the maritime traffic which
island, being the only territory of the entire African con-   enabled micromammals to reach territories they would
tinent where a representative of the Microtinae family        have been unable to access independently. The availa-
occurs (Schlitter 1989). Since being reported in the fau-     bility of a favourable ecological niche depends on the
nistic associations of the island of Levanzo (Egades) in      intensity of human settlement and the presence of
cultural contexts attributed to the late Upper Palaeolithic   autochthonous rodents representing potential competi-
(Cassoli and Tagliacozzo 1982), the Eurasian water vole,      tors and acting as an ecological barrier. Today, invasive
Arvicola amphibius (L. 1758), appears to have survived        rodents occur on over 80% of the world’s major islands
in Sicily through the Neolithic chronologies (Grotta del      and continue to be introduced (Atkinson 1985, Pitman et
Cavallo, Castellammare del Golfo, Trapani; Contrada           al. 2005).
Stretto di Partanna, Trapani) (Burgio et al. 2002, 2005,
Cimo` et al. 2005) up to relatively recent times (Casamen-       Amongst rodents, the generalist species currently
to and Sara` 1995). The only modern record of its pres-       most widespread on the Mediterranean islands are those
ence on the large Mediterranean island registered around      commensal to man: apart from the aforementioned spiny
the end of the 1950s by Pasa (1959) has been seriously        mouse, these consist essentially of the house mouse,
questioned by Casamento and Sara` (1995), who were not        and both the brown rat, Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout
able to confirm this vole as belonging to the present Sici-   1769 and the black rat or ship rat (Masseti 2002b). Rats
lian fauna. Off the more northerly Tyrrhenian coast, some     and house mice are most likely responsible for the
remains of the species – recently retrieved in Bronze Age     greatest number of extinctions and ecosystem changes
archaeological contexts of the small islet of Vivara, in the  on islands (Towns et al. 2006). Because they are omnivor-
Flegrean archipelago (Gulf of Naples) (Nappi and Caran-       ous, their feeding habits affect plants, invertebrates, rep-
nante 2003, Carannante et al. 2005) – raise further inter-    tiles, mammals and birds (Atkinson 1985, Cuthbert and
esting questions about the appearance of this vole in         Hilton 2004, Towns et al. 2006, Howald et al. 2007). More
these territories. The present paucity of voles in the Med-   specifically, rats are efficient predators of eggs, large
iterranean islands may even be related to the particular      insects, large reptiles, tortoises, birds and plants. They
xerothermic conditions of these regions. In Israel, for       compete for food sources with herbivores and also cause
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