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                                management reforms to global fisheries are applied. Some ‘best case’ scenarios suggest that 98% of fish stocks can
                                be rebuilt by 2050 if adequate reform is enacted quickly .
                                   Despite the variety of fisheries management strategies, traditional single-species management strategies are
                                often employed for large-scale fisheries . Single-species management strategies are inadequate for small-scale
                                fisheries (SSF) where the gear and the target species can be temporally and spatially changing. Moreover, due
                                to the complexity of these fisheries, data are generally missing . The limited available data on SSF suggest that
                                44–60% are overexploited with predictions of the future being unfavorable . The overexploitation of SSF is of
                                critical concern because they represent about 20% of global catches  and play a direct role in securing food and
                                livelihoods for coastal communities . SSFs globally are responsible for half of the catches intended for human
                                consumption and, compared to industrial fisheries, offer more equitable economic and social benefits (e.g., higher
                                employment) to stakeholder communities . However, only recently governments and international organisations
                                (e.g., FAO) have recognised the important contribution of SSF to poverty alleviation, food security and the sus-
                                tainable blue-economy 10,12 .
                                   The failure of current practices to adequately manage fisheries has led to the “Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
                                (EAF)” , aiming to balance ecosystem health with socio-economic needs. EAF has been identified as the guid-
                                ing principle to reach sustainability in SSF , while marine protected areas (MPAs) are considered one of EAF’s
                                important elements . In the last decade, the rapid pace of MPA creation has led to 12,000 MPAs and 12 million
                                km  of protected ocean, globally . MPAs are generally multiple-use areas aiming to protect natural populations,
                                ecosystems and the goods and services they provide to society . In concert with protection, MPAs can potentially
                                enhance local fisheries , in particular SSFs, and promote local socio-economies through sustainable develop-
                                ment. More than 18% of global MPAs contain both no-take zones (NTZ), where all extractive activities are forbid-
                                den and where the focus is on conservation, and buffer zones (BZ), where SSF and other potentially sustainable
                                activities are allowed . The proportion of MPAs containing both NTZ and BZ can be higher in locations where
                                high human densities result in intense use of the sea. A primary example of this is the Mediterranean Sea where
                                about 92% of MPAs contain both NTZ and BZ .
                                   MPAs have been proven an effective tool to achieve conservation goals by allowing the recovery of marine
                                populations and ecosystems 20–22 . However, the role of MPAs in providing fisheries benefits is still debated because
                                the results are often context-dependent 23,24 . Although MPAs are not always a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution 24,25 , the
                                benefits of MPAs to SSFs can be substantial since they protect fish stocks in the NTZ and can promote density
                                dependent spill-over processes 19,26  enhancing fisheries catches in the BZ and outside the MPAs 24,27,28 . MPAs could
                                also play a crucial role in SSF management. Being a spatially explicit conservation/management tool, MPAs make
                                it easier for decision-making systems to cope with the patchy and heterogeneous nature of SSF fisher communities
                                by allowing for the implementation of fisheries regulations that address needs at a localised scale. Furthermore,
                                MPAs provide opportunities to test fishing management practices aimed at sustainability (e.g., fishermen engage-
                                ment in management ).
                                   The use of MPAs can potentially create a “win-win” situation where the challenges of conservation and
                                SSF management can be resolved in parallel 5,28,30 . However if benefits are over-stated and expectation are not
                                reached, negative stakeholder attitude can reduce compliance creating a negative cycle that further impairs the
                                performance of MPAs . Therefore it is crucial to identify and highlight the characteristics (e.g. environmental,
                                economic and social attributes) that underline success of SSFs management within MPAs, and leading to a
                                win-win scenario.
                                   The management of SSFs within MPAs has received little attention in the scientific literature. Subsequently,
                                little is known of the characteristics that lead to a successful SSF-MPA partnership. Studies on the performance
                                of MPAs generally focus on either conservation (reserve effects 20–22 ) or fishery management (enhanced fishery
                                yields 24,27,32 ) independently, neglecting to consider MPAs, SSF and fishing resources as complex socio-ecological
                                system (SES) that integrates both natural and human components 33,34 . There are, however, a few exceptions within
                                a tropical context where SSF and fishing resources are analysed in a SES-framework 35,36 .
                                   To address this gap in the literature, we identify key characteristics associated with successful SSFs manage-
                                ment in Mediterranean MPAs by assembling a unique database of peer-reviewed literature, grey-literature and a
                                set of interviews across 25 MPAs. These MPAs span five countries, cover approximately 3,160 km  and harbour
                                more than 1,000 SSF vessels (Fig. 1, Supplementary Table S1). Small-scale fisheries are fundamental to the econ-
                                omies and societies of the Mediterranean Sea where they employ more than 137,000 fishermen . Although there
                                exists a relatively high number of MPAs in the Mediterranean Sea  (170), 85% of fish stocks are overfished
                                suggesting that traditional fisheries management has been ineffective 38,39 .
                                   The MPAs included in this study are distributed along the central-north region of the Mediterranean basin
                                and they encompass a variety of environmental (i.e. they are located in 4 different ecoregions), management
                                (i.e. MPA size, fishing restrictions, enforcement level, level of fishermen engagement into management) and
                                socio-economic (i.e. countries, presence of a leader among fishermen, fishermen grouped in associations) condi-
                                tions. Therefore, our findings are relevant throughout the central-north Mediterranean Sea where 96% of all the
                                Mediterranean MPAs are located .
                                   We followed Ostrom’s framework  to identify characteristics of SES and define the success  of SSF manage-
                                ment in MPAs. Specifically, for each MPA we extracted a set of predictive variables (i.e. attributes) that describe
                                multiple aspects of SSFs management (see Supplementary Table S2 for a full list and description). Additionally,
                                we identified responses, or outcomes (Table S2), that cover ecological, social and economic aspects of SSF man-
                                agement, a common practice when assessing variables that affect successful management of common pool
                                resources 35,40,41 . The outcomes included: a) ecological effectiveness (i.e., fish assemblages with higher density/
                                biomass within an MPA compared to unprotected areas), b) economic benefits for fishermen (i.e., higher incomes
                                when fishing within the MPA buffer zone compared to outside) and c) the commitment of fishermen to the
                                environment (i.e., fishermen comply with MPAs rules and participate to research and environmental programs).
         Scientific RepoRts | 6:38135 | DOI: 10.1038/srep38135                                                 2
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