Page 2 - match_made_Italy2003
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C a l e n d a r                                             I n   t h i s   i s s u e

          Shows and exhibitions                                       2  Calendar

          ·  World Fishing Exhibition Vigo: the European fisheries    3  Editorial
           industry will make Vigo, Spain, its headquarters from 17      A precautionary approach to protect
           to 21 September. Held only once every six years, the          endangered resources
           World Fishing Exhibition is without fail an exceptional
           event, given its size and impact. DG Fisheries will be on   4  Out and about
           hand with an information stand on the CFP. For details,
           visit the web site:                                           Tourism and fisheries
                         A match made in Italy

          · Seafood Mediterraneo and Acquacoltura International:      6  Fact File
           these  two  events  will  take  place  simultaneously         Cod and hake
           in  Verona,  Italy,  from  15  to  17  October  2003.         Recovery plans
           They  offer  a  complete  and  modern  showcase  of
           Mediterranean fishery products and present different      11  In the news
           aquaculture products and techniques being developed           Scientific advice
           in  the  Mediterranean  region.  The  two  exhibitions  are   Reorganisation and reinforcement
           complementary  but  may  be  visited  separately.  For
           additional information, visit the web sites:              12   In brief
           Playing by the rules

          · Itech’Mer  Lorient:  the  fifth  Itech’Mer  will  spotlight
           the  French  fisheries  and  fish  processing  industries
           from 23 to 25 October next in the town of Lorient,
           Brittany.  Geared  largely  towards  fisheries  and  fish
           processing equipment and service suppliers, Itech’Mer
           is the only event of its kind in France. To learn more,

                                                                Note to readers

                                                                We  welcome  your  comments  or  suggestions  at  the  following
                                                                address:  European  Commission  –  Directorate-General  for  Fisheries  –
                                                                Communication and Information Unit – Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 200 –
                                                                B-1049 Brussels – or by fax to: (32-2) 299 30 40 with reference to
                                                                Fishing in Europe. E-mail:

       Fishing in Europe is a magazine published by the Directorate-General for Fisheries of the European Commission. It is distributed free on request
       (see subscription coupon on page 12). Fishing in Europe is published five times a year in the 11 working languages of the European Union. It is also
       available on the Fisheries DG web site (
       Editor : European Commission, Directorate-General for Fisheries, Director-General.
       Disclaimer : Whilst the Fisheries DG is responsible for the overall production of this magazine, it is not responsible for the accuracy, content
       or views expressed within particular articles. The Commission has not, save where otherwise stated, adopted or in any way approved any view
       appearing in this publication and statements should not be relied upon as statements of the Commission’s or the Fisheries DG’s views.The
       Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication, nor does the Commission or any person acting on its behalf
       accept responsibility for any use made thereof.
       © European Communities, 2003.
       Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
       Photos: © Lionel Flageul | IFREMER - I.Onraet | Mostra!

       Production: Mostra! - Printed in Belgium - Printed on recycled paper
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