Page 3 - match_made_Italy2003
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O u t   a n d   a b o u t

          Tourism and fisheries

          A match made in Italy

                                             In  scads  of  coastal  regions,  small-scale  inshore  fishing  and
                                               tourism  exist  side  by  side.  In  Italy,  during  the  summer,
                                                 these  two  activities  combine  to  form  a  new  practice  that
                                                  has been growing in the peninsula for the last few years:
                                                   ‘pescaturismo’,  fisheries  tourism.  On  the  small  Sicilian
                                                    island  of  Marettimo,  Francesco,  a  fisherman,  and  his
                                                    father Nino have found pescaturismo an attractive way
                                                    of  diversifying  their  activities.  Tourists  are  equally

                                                   Fishing is now one more tourist
                                                   attraction on the island of Marettimo.

                                                           it  into  a  seaside  resort,  appreciated  in  particular  by
                                                           yachtsmen and divers. But here, in the heart of the reserve,
                                                           all activities are regulated to protect the environment.
         © Mostra!
                                                           Twenty  years  ago,  the  Lega  Pesca  came  up  with  the
                                                           idea  of  combining  these  two  activities  into  one  to  give
          At  the  extreme  northwest  tip  of  Sicily,  in  Italy,  the   holidaymakers  the  chance  to  learn  more  about  a  little
          administrative  district  of  Favignana  is  made  up  of  three   known  trade  while  creating  a  different  type  of  tourism,
          islands:  Favignana,  the  biggest,  shaped  like  a  ‘farfalla’   closer to nature. Ettore Ianì, President of Lega Pesca and
          (butterfly), Marettimo and Levanzo. Three small patches of   one of the driving forces behind pescaturismo, remembers:
          terra firma surrounded by the protected marine reserve of   ‘We wanted to find a new way of conserving resources and
          the Egadi Islands, which covers 54,000 hectares.  giving fishermen extra income. Also, the general public was
                                                           showing more and more interest in the environment at the
          In this Mediterranean paradise said to have been visited   time. So we decided to put the two together.’ In 1992, a law
          by Ulysses, small-scale coastal fishing is an integral part   on pescaturismo was passed .
          of  the  landscape.  In  Marettimo  especially,  10  vessels
          ranging from 8 to 10 metres long work the neighbouring   ‘But the law was too strict’, continues the President. ‘For
          waters,  under  the  leadership  of  the  local  co-operative,   example, it banned the boarding of passengers under the age
          San  Giuseppe,  which  is  itself  overseen  by  the  national   of 14. So families with children couldn’t take part. Fishermen
          fishermen’s association, Lega Pesca. Another 70 or so craft,   were not very inclined to make the investments needed to
          now used for marine tourism, are docked at port or in dry   comply with drastic safety standards. In 1999, all that was
          dock for repainting.                             changed with a new law and pescaturismo blossomed as a
          Nino  and  Francesco,  father  and  son,  along  with  their
          families,  make  a  living  from  fishing  all  year  long.  They   ‘In  the  early  stages’,  recalls  Salvatore  Braschi,  President
          engage in multi-species fishing, taking what the sea offers   of  the  San  Giuseppe  Co-operative,  ‘when  I  approached
          according to the season or nature’s whims. Donning their   fishermen with the idea, they were very reluctant. They did
          waxed  overalls  at  dawn  to  go  out  into  the  translucent   not feel capable of taking up such an activity. Probably out
          waters surrounding their village of 1,000 souls is second   of shyness and modesty.’ Today this type of project exists
          nature to them: they could just as well be going out to   in  all  Italy  and  has  the  support  of  national  fishermen’s
          work the vegetable garden...                     associations.  For  example,  Lega  Pesca  now  has  no  fewer
                                                           than  16  projects  running  smoothly,  in  northern  and
          Two activities in one                            southern Italy alike and about 22 co-operatives belonging
                                                           to the Federcoopesca are also involved in pescaturismo.
          In the summer, a second activity flourishes in Marettimo.
          Tourism doubles the population of the island, transforming   (1)  It has been replaced by Ministerial Decree 293 of 13 April 1999.

          4 | n° 18 - August 2003 | Fishing in Europe
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