Page 1 - Risorse_Energetiche_Favignana_2005
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Proposal APERTURES.  PART      B        Priority6.    -  FP6-2005-TREN-4                                                  p 1
            of 49
            Front page

            Proposal full title:
                                         Applied Plug&play Energy Regulation Technologies Using Renewable
                                         Energy Sources, with autonomous & robust fault-riding capacities serving
                                         ,as a real-scale test-case, the needs of a green micro-grid of islanded or/and
                                         environmentally-sensitive communities.

            Proposal acronym:            APERTURES

            Project Duration :                 36 Months
            Date of preparation:         June 2005 – December 2005

            Type of instrument:          Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP)

            Call Identifier:             FP6—2005-TREN4  PRIORITY 1 Sustainable Energy Systems
                                         Large Scale Integration of Renewable Energy Sources  and Energy
                                         Efficiency  SUSTDEV-2005-1.1.7-1 Grid issues - Distributed generation
                                         Section  :
            List of participants
              N°                             Organisation                      Type                 Country
                   short name
              1         CIRT  CIRTEM                                   SME                    France
              2        UTBM  Technology University of Belfort-         University             France
              3          ISSI  ISSIA-CNR, section of Palermo           Research Institute     Italy
              4        NOTT  University of Nottingham                  University             United Kingdom
              5        MARI  University of Maribor                     University             Slovenia
              6         SASS  SASSO                                    SME                    Italy
              7          SEA  SEA                                      SME                    Italy
              8        TCPE  TCPE                                      SME                    Slovenia
                                          Subcontractors and other Authorising entities
              S1  DIEET        Electrical Plants group of the Department of Electrical, Electronic   University of
                               and Telecomunication Engineering                                  Palermo  Italy
              S2  DREAM        Energy and Environmental Researches Department
                   Note:       Although not mentioned  as partnerS, The Municipality of       Italy
                               Favignana and Maribor City  (Local authorities ) have given full   Slovenia
                               support to the project in providing the necessary authorisations to
                               implement it.

            Coordinator name                      Project Coordinator :    Dr Saubion           CIRTEM
                                                  Scientific Coordinator: Prof. M. Cirrincione    UTBM

            Coordinator organisation name :   CIRTEM
            Coordinator emails:
            Coordinator phone:           +33 5 6224 2600
            Coordinator fax              +33 5 6224 2629
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