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254 C. Lo Iacono, J. Guille´n / Continental Shelf Research 28 (2008) 245–256

Fig. 11. Side scan sonar image of the sorted bedforms acquired in 1989.  a dune wavelength ranging between 1 and 2.5 m, a
Dotted lines correspond to a drawing coming from the SSS image           symmetrical dune shape and a dune crest lineation almost
obtained in the same area in 2002 (Fig. 8).                              parallel to the coastline. As observed on other continental
                                                                         shelves around the world, wave action during storms is the
tens of meters for decades (Goff et al., 2005; Diesing et al.,           only plausible hydrodynamic mechanism for the formation
2006).                                                                   and maintenance of most gravel and pebble dunes observed
                                                                         on the Marettimo shelf. Dunefields located on the
   The hydrodynamic forcing of the Marettimo sorted                      shallower part of the shelf can potentially be active for
bedforms remains unclear. The experience of local fisher-                 some storm events every year. However, waves able to
men indicates the absence of strong and persistent currents              generate and maintain dunefields located in deeper areas
in this area. As regards wave action, stronger storms                    and with coarser sediments are associated with extra-
affecting the eastern portion of the Marettimo shelf come                ordinary storm events with a long recurrence period
from the southeast and develop wave crests almost                        (several decades).
perpendicular to the coast and transverse to the sorted
bedforms. The major storms that occurred during the                         Sorted bedforms are developed only in the eastern sector
1989–2002 period have a maximum wave height of 6 m and                   of the Marettimo shelf. Whereas the occurrence of intense
a maximum period of 10 s. However, field observations                     alongshelf currents has never been reported in this sector of
suggest that these hydrodynamic conditions were not                      the shelf, lineations of the sorted bedforms are parallel to
strong enough to significantly alter the sorted bedform                   the wave-crest direction of the strongest storms affecting
shape, and that higher-energy conditions would be                        the area (coming from SE). The presumed long-term
required to modify these sedimentary structures.                         stability of part of the Marettimo coarse bedforms has
                                                                         also been proved by the comparison of two SSS images,
5. Concluding remarks                                                    13 years apart, depicting the same morphological config-
                                                                         uration of sorted bedforms.
   It has been shown that gravel bedforms can develop in a
tideless and moderate wave energy environment like that of                  Therefore, although potential mechanisms for the
Mediterranean shelves. Gravelly and pebbly dunes                         generation and maintenance of Mediterranean coarse
(D50 ¼ 2–16 mm) and sorted bedforms were identified                       bedforms are equivalent to those defined in other areas,
and measured on the Marettimo Island shelf (NW Sicily,                   they display lower mobility than on higher-wave-energy
Italy). These first observations of coarse bedforms on a                  shelves and behave as relict morphological features for
Mediterranean inner shelf indicate that such features are                long periods of time.
unusual in this environment and that their occurrence on
the Marettimo shelf was favored by specific conditions: a                 Acknowledgments
narrow and relatively steep shelf, almost nil continental
delivery of sediment, and a very long fetch for western and                 This work was carried out in the framework of the
southeastern wave directions.                                            GebecSud project, supported by the MIUR (Ministero
                                                                         Istruzione Universita` e Ricerca, legge 488/92, Cluster 10—
   Gravelly and pebbly dune fields are distributed in                     Ambiente Marino) and directed by the Geology and
patches around the island in shallow water (10–50 m), with               Geodesy Department of Palermo University. We are
                                                                         grateful to D. Bowman (Ben-Gurion University of
                                                                         the Negev, Israel), P. Puig (ICM-CSIC, Barcelona),
                                                                         D. Huntley (Editor of the manuscript), and two anon-
                                                                         ymous referees for their constructive and helpful sugges-
                                                                         tions that enabled us to improve this manuscript.


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