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252 C. Lo Iacono, J. Guille´n / Continental Shelf Research 28 (2008) 245–256
Fig. 9. Critical current velocities (Eq. (4)) for the grain size range sampled
on the Marettimo shelf assuming a flat bottom (solid line) and a roughness
value proportional to a bedform height of 0.15 m (dotted line).
Fig. 8. SSS image of Marettimo sorted bedforms acquired in 2002. Gray
backscatter tones correspond to gravelly sediments, while dark backscatter
tones correspond to medium and coarse sands. Approximate depth: 45 m.
For bedforms location see Fig. 4.
and pebbly sediments for the first 5–10 cm of subseafloor, Fig. 10. Thresholds for sediment entrainment (Eq. (1)) across the shelf for
overlying sandy sediments (Fig. 8). different grain sizes and wave conditions.
Potential mechanisms for coarse sediment motion were main forcing mechanism of dune generation in the study
evaluated. A rough estimate of the critical bed shear area, although currents could play a complementary role.
stresses needed for the entrainment of sediment with grain Threshold critical values for initiation of sediment motion
sizes of 2–16 mm (Eq. (2)) ranges from 1.1 to 14.1 N mÀ2. would require wave conditions with Hs43 m and T47 s
According to the estimated shear stress, the current (Fig. 10). Potential wave conditions (Hs43 m) for sedi-
velocity 1 m above the bottom (Eq. (4)) necessary to move ment entrainment and dune activity on the Marettimo shelf
sediment ranging in size from 2 to 16 mm varies from 0.8 to occur during 2.5% of the time and the shallower
2.2 m sÀ1 when a flat bottom is considered and from 0.3 to Marettimo dunes could be active during these events.
1.2 m sÀ1 when the bedform roughness is included in the However, the extreme wave conditions observed during the
equation (Fig. 9). These estimations of shear stress and last two decades (20/01/1998; Hs ¼ 6.6 m; Tp ¼ 11.1 s and
current intensity are in agreement with laboratory experi- 24/11/1991; Hs ¼ 6.2 m; Tp ¼ 9.1 s) could not explain the
ments (Neill, 1967; Langhorne et al., 1986) as well as field formation of the coarsest dunes at water depths greater
observations (Carling et al., 2006) and they fall within the than 25 m (Fig. 10).
dunes field of the bedform existence diagram (D50 vs mean
current velocity) defined by Southard and Boguchwal Several possibilities can be put forward to explain the
(1990). However, current velocities required for the origin of pebble dunes on the Marettimo shelf: (a) there are
entrainment of the Marettimo coarse sediments have rarely episodic, high-energy storm events that have not yet been
been reported on NW Mediterranean shelves. For instance, recorded in the study area during the 17 years of wave buoy
Palanques et al. (2002) and Guille´ n et al. (2006) reported records; (b) the threshold hydrodynamic conditions for
maximum near-bottom mean currents of about 0.8 m sÀ1 dune formation are lower than estimated because of the
on the NW Mediterranean continental shelf during strong increased turbulence due to the high roughness associated
storms. with the coarse sediment or because grain entrainment only
affects the finer fractions (Forbes and Boyd, 1987; Carling
4.3. Forcing mechanisms for gravelly dunes et al., 2006; Kuhnle et al., 2006); and (c) deeper dunes are
relict and were generated at shallow depths during the
The symmetric morphology and the coast-parallel crest Holocene post-glacial marine transgression. However,
lines of the observed gravelly dunes suggest that the wave-
generated forcing mechanism is the most likely. Further-
more, the largest and coarsest dunes, observed along the
northwestern portion of the shelf (Figs. 4 and 6), are
oriented toward the west and northwest, corresponding to
the directions of the strongest storm events and facing the
long fetch (Figs. 2 and 3). Waves thus appear to be the