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250 C. Lo Iacono, J. Guille´n / Continental Shelf Research 28 (2008) 245–256

Fig. 5. The main sedimentological facies observed along the Marettimo inner shelf. Textures range from very coarse sands to pebbles. In some cases
bimodal sediment distribution is evident. The boxes show the sampling sites.

   The sediment is mainly composed of coarse fractions,        4.2. Bedforms
ranging from coarse sands to pebbles. Their composition is
mainly siliciclastic, although a bioclastic sand component is     Two large bedforms were identified on the shelf:
often recognizable as a second mode (Lo Iacono, 2004).         gravel–pebbly dunes and sorted bedforms.
The following different sedimentological textural groups
were recognized:                                                  Gravelly and pebbly dunes were recognized throughout
                                                               the study area. Subaqueous dunes are displayed as a
– Pebbles, gravels, and sandy gravel cover approximately       strongly reflective and contrasting acoustic facies in
   42% of the sediments present along the surveyed area on     SSS sonographs and correspond to the dominant bedform
   the Marettimo inner shelf and are mainly distributed        along the Marettimo inner shelf (Fig. 6). The dunes
   along the western, southwestern, and northeastern inner     were observed for the entire depth interval of the study
   shelf (Fig. 4). These coarse sediments show heterogenic     area (10–50 m), with a prevalent direction parallel, or
   mixtures in which a high percentage of pebbles (modal       with a low incidence angle, to the coastline. The dunes
   diameter: 5.6–8 and 16–32 mm) is present, while the sandy   display a symmetrical morphology (Fig. 7), and occur
   fraction, mostly bioclastic, corresponds to very coarse     in clusters with a patchy distribution or in small sandy
   (1–2 mm) and medium sands (0.3–0.5 mm) (Fig. 5).            gravel sediment patches inside P. oceanica meadows.
                                                               They show a 2D morphology (Allen, 1968), constant
– Gravelly sands and sands cover 58% of sediments present      dimensional parameters, with wavelength l ranging from 1
   along the inner shelf. The most abundant granulometric      to 2.5 m and height Z ranging from 0.15 to 0.30 m, and
   classes correspond to coarse (0.5–0.7 mm) and very          slightly linear crests. Lateral extension ranges from a few
   coarse (1.4–2 mm) sands (Fig. 5). A low percentage of       tens of meters to a maximum of 700 m observed along the
   gravel (2.8–4 and 5.6–8 mm) is also present. This group     western sector. Secondary smaller features were not
   mainly occurs along the eastern and northwestern            observed.
   sectors of the Marettimo inner shelf, and in several
   bays along the coast.                                          The dunes with the smallest dimensions (lo1.5 m) were
                                                               observed along the southeastern and western sectors of the
– Meadows and patches of P. oceanica seagrass were             study area, around Bassano Cape and from Cala Bianca to
   observed on rocky and very coarse grained bottoms           Pegna Cape, often occurring in spatial continuity with dune
   throughout the study area, mostly distributed in the        fields that show a greater wavelength (2–2.5 m, Fig. 6). They
   southeastern and southwestern sectors, in zones shal-       are usually composed of mixed sediment with a texture
   lower than 30 m depth (Fig. 4).                             varying from fine sand to gravel (D50 from 0.18 to 6 mm).
                                                               The most frequent dune wavelength observed throughout
– Rocky outcrops, mainly consisting of Triassic lime-          the study area ranges between 1.5 and 2 m. This class of
   stones, appear as isolated morphological highs or as        dunes is usually composed of sandy gravel sediments or a
   seaward prolongations of the major inland structural        mixture of gravels and pebbles (D50 ¼ 8–11 mm).
   lineaments (Fig. 4).
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