Page 16 - 15 New data on the Holocenic sea-level
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138 F. Antonioli et al. / Global and Planetary Change 34 (2002) 121–140
San Vito Promontory indicate a mismatch of about 20 differential vertical mobility among different sectors
cm. If we subtract the 8 cm of living Vermetids, we and to evaluate the maximum displacement and, thus,
obtain a difference of about 10 cm, which lies within the reliability of datable indicators of palaeo-sea
the uncertainty of 14C datation. For Marettimo Island, levels.
the difference between predicted and observed is
about 3.5 m. This result certainly needs further Vermetid (D. petraeum) reefs and submerged spe-
studies. leothems confirmed to be a tool for reconstructing a
sea-level rise curve for Northwestern Sicily, particu-
Fig. 12 shows that for different time slices sea level larly for what regards the last five centuries. This
data are different, evidencing that sea-level curves represents a new result to be held in consideration
cannot be obtained on a national basis, but only on a and, possibly, to be used as an input for the improve-
regional one. We suppose this is due to differences in ment of geophysical sea-level models of regional
crustal rebound, since relevant tectonic movements do significance for the Central Mediterranean Sea.
not seem to be related to the maximum level of
Tyrrhenian ingression (stage 5e), which is easy to The palaeo-sea level data obtained for Marettimo
determine: Argentarola notch 5.30 m s.l.m., Palinuro Island suggest the presence of a small anomaly with
notch 2.8 m s.l.m., Marettimo notch 7.8 m s.l.m., San respect to other Mediterranean and extra-Mediterra-
Vito Lo Capo notches and inner margin from 8 to 13.8 nean sea-level curves, although this does not represent
m s.l.m. The difference in sea level can be attributed an isolated case for the Central Mediterranean. The
to tectonical or hydroisostatic adjustments (i.e. San complex and interconnected mechanisms of eustatic
Vito Lo Capo), but it seems of little significance when sea rise, coastal rebound and tectonic movements are
compared to the ages of Spelothems and Vermetids. still poorly understood and certainly underinvesti-
gated in the Central Mediterranean. It would be of
5. Conclusions great interest to extend this kind of investigation to the
entire coast of Italy, with the additional aim of
providing indications on possible future scenarios.
The results of the researches carried out along Note added in proof
coastal tracts of the Capo San Vito Promontory and
Marettimo Island underline the positive role of an At the end of cap 3 ‘‘Quaternary marine terraces’’,
interdisciplinary approach in characterizing the we have correlated our terrace VII to the oxygen
coastal evolution of the sector during the Quaternary isotope stage 3. On the basis of very recent publica-
and unravelling the sea level and climate history tions on timing and altitude of sea level, now we argue
occurred in its recent and geological past. that the À 18 to À 15 m terrace was carved during
stage 7. In fact, Bard et al. (2002) recently established
Particularly, the aim of our study was to collect that the sea level during stage 7a should be comprised
original data regarding the sea-level rise during the between À 18 and À 10; moreover, Lambeck et al.
Holocene. The selection of the site resulted successful (2002) established that sea level of stage 3 was never
for this purpose, because of its notable morphological higher than À 50 m.
preservation, quite uncommon for the Mediterranean,
although not associated with the conservation of the Acknowledgements
original depositional and textural characters of the
Quaternary deposits, probably due to the alternation This work has been performed under contract no.
of semiarid and semihumid climatic intervals in the ENV4-CT95-0087 from the Commission of the
area during the last thousand years (Mauz et al., European Communities in the framework of the
1997). Environment Programme. We acknowledge Professor
Kurt Lambeck for kindly providing some preliminary
The crustal uplifting of the whole area allowed a results on predicted sea-level values for the inves-
series of marine terraces and notches of Middle –
Upper Pleistocenic age to remain well preserved.
The accurate mapping of their present-day height
above sea level has been used in order to verify the