Page 11 - 15 New data on the Holocenic sea-level
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F. Antonioli et al. / Global and Planetary Change 34 (2002) 121–140   133

Table 2
Results of the U/Th and 14C datings (AMS and conventional) performed on the collected samples

Metres b.s.l  Sector     Material       Age (year BP)                  Dating method           Laboratory sample no.

À 0.3         F          speleothem     7912 – 7720                    14C cal 1r              R-2580 Rome
À 1.3         F          speleothem     16,731 – 16,331                14C cal 1r              R-2580 Rome
À 0.4         D          Vermetid reef  461 – 400                      14C cal 1r              R-2580 Rome
À 0.3         D          Vermetid reef  251 – 127                      14C cal 1r              R-2764 Rome
À 0.3         E          Vermetid reef  232 – 106                      14C cal 1r              R-2741 Rome
À 0.3         E          Vermetid reef  232 – 94                       14C cal 1r              R-2742 Rome
À 24          Marettimo  Lithophaga     10,473 – 10,339                AMS 14C cal 1r          6810-Utrecht
À 24          Marettimo  Lithophaga     9643 – 9485                    AMS 14C cal 1r          7211-Utrecht
À 24          Marettimo  speleothem     39,280 F 1500                                          1007-ENEA Rome
À 24          Marettimo  speleothem     24,160 F 900                   Th/U                    1006-ENEA Rome


We calibrated (1r) all the 14C data by using Stuiver et al. (1998) Intcal 98 radiocarbon age calibration. With respect to calibration, it must be
stressed that the regional effect was not taken into account (DR = 0).

that are very similar to those of limestone notches in                 Western Australian and the Central Mediterranean,
other nearly stable areas of Central –Southern Italy.                  there is an initial overshoot in relative sea level that
Notches can be solely observed in coastal zones                        decreases exponentially because the coastal margin is
subjected to uplifts not greater than 0.15 mm/year                     readjusting to the increased water load (hydroisostacy,
and with sea-level stillstand that lasted at least about a             see McCulloch and Esat, 2000). It is likely that the
thousand years. These features are related to the                      marine terraces were formed during the following 10
maximum relative sea level, which was probably                         ka (Fig. 9). The different glacial –isostatic adjustments
reached at the beginning of stage 5e. Stage 5e lasted                  in the coastal areas should be taken into account since
about 10– 11 ka and was followed and preceded by an                    ‘‘the relation between height and age of shoreline
abrupt change in sea level (McCulloch and Esat,                        formed during last interglacial cannot be related
2000). In stable continental margins, such as the                      directly to changes in ocean volume because of the
                                                                       effect of isostatic uplift’’ (Lambeck and Nakada,
                                                                       1992). At present, there are no rebound models
                                                                       availability for the Mediterranean coasts during the
                                                                       Last Interglacial, therefore, it is not possible to
                                                                       achieve an approximation of maximum sea level
                                                                       better than 7– 8 m.

Fig. 9. Diagram showing the effects of hydroisostacy at a far-field    4. Holocenic sea-level rise curve
‘stable’ continental margin site such as the Western Australian. For
a step-function increase in eustatic sea level, there is an initial       Reefs built by Vermetid Gastropods (Dendropoma
overshoot in the relative sea level that decays exponentially due to   petraeum) and submerged speleothems sampled from
the coastal margin readjusting to the increased water load (replotted  the Capo San Vito Promontory and Marettimo coastal
from McCulloch and Esat, 2000).                                        zones allowed to reconstruct the sea-level rise through
                                                                       the Holocene. Most carbonatic rocky shores of North-
                                                                       western Sicily are bordered by intertidal reefs, the
                                                                       frame of which results from the coalescence of the
                                                                       tubular shells of the Gastropod Mollusc D. petraeum.
                                                                       Midlittoral platforms have the potential to be good
                                                                       environmental and climate indicators because: (1)
                                                                       they are typical of warm-temperate areas, such as
                                                                       the Mediterranean Sea; (2) the vertical growth of the
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