Page 10 - 15 New data on the Holocenic sea-level
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132 F. Antonioli et al. / Global and Planetary Change 34 (2002) 121–140

Late Quaternary tectonic stability (i.e. Eastern coast of  and of about 0.024 mm/year (sector F). From the
Sardinia). In these areas the Eutyrrhenian notch           consideration that the submerged shallower marine
(Antonioli et al., 1999a) is extended for tens of kilo-    terrace (VII order) shows a vertical distribution pat-
meters, at a level ranging from 7.1 to 8.2 m a.s.l.        tern very similar to the one derived for the Eutyr-
(maximum semidiurnal tide 12 cm). We can consider          rhenian forms (VI order; Fig. 6), it seems that a rather
this height (about 7 F 1 m a.s.l.,) as a reference level   constant tectonic behavior might have occurred in
for the quite-stable West Mediterranean coastal zones.     each sector since the Upper Pleistocene. Moreover,
                                                           it is interesting to note that in all the sectors the whole
   In the Capo San Vito Promontory, we identified six      uplifted sequence of marine terraces shows a tectonic
sectors, characterized by different post-Eutyrrhenian      deformation which is coherent with the gathered uplift
neotectonic deformation and uplift (Fig. 2, inset):        rates for the last 125 ka (Fig. 6). Differential behavior
sector A (Cornino Plain), where the inner margins          between contiguous sectors seems to be in strong
of Eutyrrhenian terraces and notches lie at about 16 m     relation with the N – S and NE – SW aligned regional
a.s.l.; sector B (Monte Cofano), where the notches         tectonic lineaments.
occur at 11 m a.s.l. and the inner margins at 12 m
a.s.l.; sector C (southern Castelluzzo Plain), where          A similar geological survey has been performed
these features are at heights between 14 and 15 m          also on Marettimo Island to verify the vertical tectonic
a.s.l.; sector D (northern Castelluzzo Plain), where the   mobility of the area in recent times and to evaluate the
Eutyrrhenian inner margins range from 11 to 12 m           consistency of the indicators of palaeo-sea level. In
a.s.l.; sector E (Piana di Sopra), where the Eutyrrhe-     Marettimo the Eutyrrhenian deposits (represented by
nian inner margin is decreasing from south to north        calcarenites, breccias and conglomerates with a red-
(ranging from 9 to 6 m a.s.l.); sector F (San Vito         dish sandy matrix, overlaid by aeolic and continental
Plain), where the Eutyrrhenian morphological features      sediments, Abate et al., 1996a,c) are present, along
occur at a height between 9 and 10 m a.s.l. (Fig. 5).      some coastal tracts, in limited patches at heights
The vertical dislocation of these sectors from 125 ka      between 2 and 10 m a.s.l. The present-day vertical
to the present day highlights the presence of a differ-    distribution of the Eutyrrhenian notches along the
ential neotectonic component that displaced sector A       coasts of Marettimo shows a height range from 5 to
of about 8 m, sectors B and D of about 4 m, sector C       8.20 m (Fig. 7); these values are affected by a degree
of over 6 m and sector F of about 2 –4 m. On the           of accuracy of F 25 cm in the height estimation. A
contrary, the data suggest relatively stable conditions    speleothem was observed at depth of À 23/24 m b.s.l.
for the sector E or a slight lowering in the northern-     during the scuba diving exploration of the ‘‘Punta
most area of the San Vito Promontory. Considering          Martini Cape’’ submerged cave (Fig. 8). It has been
these data, the gathered average magnitude of post-        sampled and dated with absolute age techniques (14C
Tyrrhenian differential vertical movement is of about      and U/Th, Table 2).
0.064 mm/year (sector A), of about 0.032 mm/year
(sectors B e D), of about 0.048 mm/year (sector C)            The notches found at Capo San Vito (Fig. 4) and
                                                           Marettimo present structural and morphological traits

Fig. 8. Section of the submerged cave of Punta Martini Cape in the SE coast of Marettimo (see location in Fig. 7). The entrance to the cave lies
at 27 m of depth; the dated speleothem has been sampled around the middle of the cave at À 24 m.
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