Page 12 - 15 New data on the Holocenic sea-level
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134 F. Antonioli et al. / Global and Planetary Change 34 (2002) 121–140
platforms is restricted to the intertidal zone and, rarely, always sealed by Serpulids at the time these are
to the uppermost part of the infralittoral zone; (3) the reached by the sea, marking in this way the sea-level
platforms are easily accessible for sampling; (4) rise (Antonioli and Oliverio, 1996).
Vermetids can be precisely dated by radiocarbon
techniques. The sampled Vermetid reefs have a max- Lithophaga, as all others biological indicators used
imum thickness of 40 cm, and their 14C ages indicate in sea-level rise analysis (Balanus, Vermetid, Litho-
that they started to grow since a few centuries from phyllum, Serpulid and others), obviously records the
the Present (Table 2). age of the arrival and the starting of growth of the
shells. The altitude of this retrieval records a sea-level
Antonioli et al. (1999b) described the biological value which is slightly lower than the effective value.
characteristics and sampling zone of the Dendro- This is due to the years necessary to develop the
poma reef of Capo San Vito. The range of the CaCo3 of the shell. In order to achieve the important
semidiurnal tide at San Vito is 0.12 m; in flat results on the raising of the sea level during Holocene,
coastal areas, Dendropoma platforms, 5 – 10 m using and dating Tahiti corals, Bard et al., 1996,
wide, coalesce to form a single, uninterrupted rim wrote: ‘‘these assemblages are diagnostic of a high
stretching for several kilometers. Each platform is water energy reef front at depths less than 6 m below
20– 40 cm thick, and the upper 8 –10 cm consist of mean sea level.’’ Cabioch and Montaggioni, 1999,
living organisms. The upper, living part lies at discuss the error margins about habitat and palae-
mean sea level and, consequently, it is exposed obathymetry on thirty species of corals, coralline
during low tide and submerged during high tide. A algae and vermetid, supplying the bathymetry (with
vertical section of the reef was obtained in order to metric and decimetric precision) within which the
make morphological observations and sampling for various species are developed. Antonioli et al.,
radiocarbon dating feasible. Radiocarbon dating was 2001, in reference to Serpulids and Lithophaga that
carried out on the most ancient, fossil part of the overgrowth the submerged speleothems in Italian
reef, which is located at 30– 40 cm below present coasts, demonstrate that the error between the sea
sea level. Two types of sampling were performed: level and the altitude of the sampled shells should be
Vermetids were both directly detached from the less that one induced from 14C analysis.
reef, and collected on the beach 30 to 100 m from
the shoreline. The inner margin of the terrace, Table 2 shows absolute ages obtained from Verme-
attributed to the Tyrrhenian transgression, has been tids, continental portion of speleothems from the Capo
measured by a Total Station (Nikon), with the zero San Vito Promontory and from the Marettimo cave
being the surface of the reef. and Lithophaga shells from the Marettimo submerged
speleothem only. The results (which span through
Submerged speleothems have been successfully hundred years ago for Vermetids, and thousand years
used to gain information on sea-level fluctuations BP for speleothems) have been used to reconstruct the
through time (Lundberg and Ford, 1994). These Late Holocene sea-level rise curve, the validity of
carbonate deposits are particularly useful to recon- which has been assessed on the base of the verified
struct sea-level changes when they exhibit both con- neotectonic constraints (Section 3.2). From these, the
tinental and marine layers (sensu Antonioli et al., average post-Tyrrhenian uplift rate obtained for the
1998b). On the coasts of the Capo San Vito Promon- coastal sector D (northern Castelluzzo Plain) is 0.032
tory, submerged speleothems do not occur at depths mm/year. Since the Vermetid reefs sampled from
exceeding 5 m below sea level and do not show the sector D yielded radiocarbon ages of the order of
association of marine and continental layers. On the hundred years, by taking into account the assumed
contrary, the speleothem sampled at Marettimo, which average uplift rate, it can be inferred that neotectonics
comes from the submerged cave at ‘‘Punta Martini just slightly contributed to the vertical dislocation of
Cape,’’ exhibits marine organic overgrowth (Fig. 10). the present-day Vermetid reef height and, thus, affect
Dating was carried out on both continental layers of the palaeo-sea level datum with a quite small error
speleothems and marine deposits, i.e. on shells of (order of 0.01 m at max.), which is well under the
Lithophaga lithophaga, which are among the first range of about 8 cm introduced on accuracy by the
marine organisms that colonize speleothems, and are living belt thickness of Dendropoma.