Page 7 - 15 New data on the Holocenic sea-level
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F. Antonioli et al. / Global and Planetary Change 34 (2002) 121–140                                         129

stage and, in particular, the oxygen-isotopic sub stage  in the mineralogical composition has to be related
5e, to which the sampled deposits have been referred.    with the occurrence of a high degree of diagenetic
                                                         transformations, which, despite the good geomorpho-
   The mineralogical composition of the calcarenites,    logical preservation of the Eutyrrhenian forms, are
outcropping in lenses above the Eutyrrhenian Terrace     responsible for the marked re-cry¨stalization of both
modeled into the Calcareniti Siciliane Formation         the Eutyrrhenian and older (pre-Tyrrhenian) deposits.
(Late Pleistocene, Abate et al., 1991, 1993), has been
compared with the ones of the older (pre-Tyrrhenian)     3.2. Neotectonic constraints
and recent carbonatic deposits (marine sands and
Vermetid reefs); particularly for what regards to their     Direct measurements by means of a total station
content of the three principal mineralogical phases of   (Antonioli et al., 1998a) or indirect measures from the
CaCO3: low Mg-Calcite (LMC), high Mg-Calcite             Technical Maps, at 1:10.000 scale, have been carried
(HMC) and aragonite (Fig. 3). The observed trend

Fig. 4. Marine notch near Cala Mancina (NW edge of the Capo S. Vito Promontory) correlated to substage 5e.
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