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L. Ferranti et al. / Quaternary International 145– 146 (2006) 30–54
Fig. 13. Uplift rate in mm\a plotted on a DEM of Italy (see Additional Table for site values). For the colour classes see the legend. Inset shows a
schematic three-dimensional representation of the same data set.
Apennines chain and involving the frontal thrust, Pliocene–Quaternary extension along NW–SE and
whereas the foreland in the Southern Alps and Dinarids NE–SW trending faults (Mariani and Prato, 1992;
experiences lesser flexure (Mariotti and Doglioni, 2000). Hippolyte et al., 1994), and southward migrating
To the south along the Apennines front, whereas motion volcanic activity (Beccaluva et al., 1989). The coast
of the buried frontal thrust on the flexed foreland occurs between Tuscany and northern Calabria is typically
further offshore, the coast experiences weak uplift viewed as tectonically stable at the regional scale
related to active displacement at the foothills of the (Patacca et al., 1990), but on a small scale the area
mountain belt. reveals remarkable alternation of stable and weakly
deformed sectors (Fig. 13). Today, NE–SW and
At the opposite, Tyrrhenian coast displacement of the NW–SE extension coexists in the southern Tyrrhenian
MIS 5.5 marker occurs in a region which experienced