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50 L. Ferranti et al. / Quaternary International 145– 146 (2006) 30–54
eustatic reference (673 m) for the central Mediterra- time. The distribution of the indicators reflects primary
nean. paleoclimatic and paleogeographic conditions and sub-
sequent tectonic processes, manifested in a combination
The Ligurian Sea coasts display different local uplifts of regional and local displacements. Compilation of
between the western (Alpine) and eastern (Apenninic) altitudes of 246 MIS 5.5 shoreline outcrops along the
sectors, mirroring its geologic history of vertical coastline of Italy, supported by uncertainty estimation
displacement and testifying a still active separation of both age and elevation, provides an insightful picture
between the Alpine and Apenninic compartments. The of the recent and active tectonic processes in the central
northern Adriatic coasts trend from weak uplift to Mediterranean. The vertical displacement experienced
strong subsidence towards the north, and this probably by the highstand marker is complicated at the local
reflects the transition from imbrication in the shallow scale, but in the regional frame appears consistent with
thrust wedge to deep crustal flexure towards the stability to slow subsidence in Sardinia and the central-
northern Apennines orogen (Figs. 5 and 13). Foreland northern Tyrrhenian sea, slow to rapid uplift moving
flexure beneath the northern Apennines is consistent north along the Adriatic coast, and rapid uplift of the
with the model of slab roll-back of the Adriatic southern Tyrrhenian and Jonian coast. Viewed at this
lithosphere explaining the rapid advancement of the scale, the along-shore variability in the marker elevation
thrust belt (Royden et al., 1987; Doglioni, 1991). The highlights different tectonic processes in laterally ad-
central and northern coasts of the eastern Tyrrhenian joining compartments. Displacement of the marker is
Sea are generally stable (promontories) or slowly thus a response to both surface and deep crustal
subsiding (plains), and localized volcano-tectonic effects processes, and, in the absence of more recent indicators,
are observed as mild uplift and moderate subsidence the MIS 5.5 highstand marker stands as an unsurpassed
within Lazio and Campania, respectively. proxy for the vertical component of active tectonic
displacement in the Central Mediterranean.
Overall, the central and northern Tyrrhenian and
Adriatic coasts pass from stability or weak uplift to Acknowledgements
subsidence. The coasts run across the north-western part
of the Adriatic block, which is caught between the African We thank journal reviewers S. Kershaw and Y. Ota
and European plates and is characterized by slower for insightful comments, which helped to clarify the
geodetic motion and less seismic release than its south- contents of this paper. Published thanks to financial
eastern counterpart (Fig. 14; Oldow et al., 2002; Oldow support of Project S2 2005/2006 ‘‘Valutazione del
and Ferranti, 2005). Thus, a relation ensues between potenziale sismogenetico e probabilita` dei forti terremoti
stability to subsidence and moderate deformation rates. in Italia’’ by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcano-
logia – Dipartimento Protezione Civile – Unit S2.1.:1
On the other hand, regional uplift characterizes the (Resp Giuseppe Mastronuzzi), and by research grants
southeastern Tyrrhenian, southern Adriatic and Jonian from Catania University (Resp. Carmelo Monaco).
coasts, which span the southeastern sector of the Adriatic
block (Fig. 14), where GPS velocities are faster and Appendix A. Supplementary materials
seismicity is higher (Oldow et al., 2002; Oldow and
Ferranti, 2005). The uplift is weak in Puglia and in Supplementary data associated with this article can
western and southern Sicily, but increases towards the be found in the online version at doi:10.1016/
canter of the block peaking between Sicily and Calabria, j.quaint.2005.07.009
and far to the northeast in the central Jonian coasts
(Fig. 14). The bulge might have a common origin and References
span over a wider lithospheric area than the subducted
Ionian slab underneath the southern Tyrrhenian Sea Amato, A., 2000. Estimating Pleistocene tectonic uplift rates in the
(Fig. 5a), which is traditionally claimed as the source for South-Eastern Apennines (Italy) from erosional landsurfaces and
Calabria’s uplift (Cosentino and Gliozzi, 1988; Westaway, marine terraces. In: Slaymaker, O. (Ed.), Geomorphology, Human
1993; Gvirtzman and Nur, 2001). Although the western Activity and Global Environmenral Change. Wiley, New York,
side of the bulge resides in an area of extensional pp. 67– 87.
tectonics, a component of crustal or even lithospheric
shortening related to Adria–Europe interaction might Amato, A., Montone, P., 1997. Present-day stress field and active
contribute to the uplift in the eastern sector. tectonics in southern peninsular Italy. Geophysical Journal
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7. Conclusions
Amorosi, A., Colalongo, M.L., Pasini, G., Preti, D., 1999a.
The coasts of Italy display well-developed and well- Sedimentary response to Late Quaternary sea-level changes in the
preserved indicators of the MIS 5.5 sea-level highstand, Romagna coastal plain (N. Italy). Sedimentology 46, 99– 121.
which provide excellent information about altitude and