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                         L. Ferranti et al. / Quaternary International 145– 146 (2006) 30–54

bulge in post-MIS 5.5 times is consistent with the long-     up to 30 km inland from the modern shoreline (Amorosi
term history of the region, characterized by uplift of       et al., 1999a, b, 2004). Attribution of the deposit to the
middle Pleistocene terraces (Amato, 2000), possibly          last interglacial is based on pollen series correlation (e.g.
related to the nucleation of folds and thrust faults         Tzedakis et al., 1997), which provides an MIS 6 age for
in the crystalline basement of the region (Ferranti          the alluvial plain deposits underlying the beach sands
and Oldow, 2005a, b). Similar long-wavelength folds          (Amorosi et al., 1999a, b, 2004). The lateral continuity
characterize Murge and Gargano, and a small lateral          of the littoral sediment suggests that it developed during
variability of the marker elevation might mirror this        the main 5.5 highstand, cautiously supported by new
tectonic pattern (Fig. 12). Holocene uplift is reported      ESR age data on shells (Table 2).
on the northern Gargano shore (Mastronuzzi and
Sanso` , 2003), and thus testifies to recent and possibly        Consequently, significant tectonic subsidence occurred
modern uplift.                                               since around 125 ka. Quantification of the subsidence
                                                             rates, however, is not straightforward, since large
5.9. Central Adriatic                                        uncertainties exist for both the age and the paleo-shoreline
                                                             position of the sampled deposits. Given all the above
   The central Adriatic coastline from Molise to Emilia-     uncertainties, a subsidence of 0.8–1.0 mm/a is reasonable.
Romagna runs parallel to the foothills of the central
Apennines thrust belt, which is still tectonically active       The boreholes are located in the southern margin of the
beneath the coastal region and the Adriatic Sea (Lavec-      Po plain, which represents the foredeep basin for the active
chia et al., 1994; Frepoli and Amato, 1997; Vannoli et al.,  northern Apennines thrust belt (Fig. 5a and 8). Thus, the
2004). Despite efforts to study MIS 5.5 deposits (Parea      subsidence pattern of the MIS 5.5 marker in northern
and Valloni, 1983; Molinaroli, 1984; Parea, 1986), the       Emilia-Romagna indicates flexure probably associated
understanding of MIS 5.5 markers along the Abruzzi and       with the compression occurring on the northern Apen-
Molise coasts (Fig. 4) is limited, and does not allow yet    nines front, which underlies this location. These sites are
determination of ages and altitudes.                         located in the hanging-wall of the thrust front (Ferrara
                                                             arc, Fig. 8) but, unlike sites further south, they experience
   Further north, along the Marche and southern Emilia       strong subsidence instead of mild uplift (Fig. 8).
coastline, MIS 5.5 marine terraces are found between 7
and 16 m a.s.l. (Fig. 8; sites 237–239 in Fig. 4), with         Two sites located further north in Veneto and Friuli
differential uplift related to segmented growth of           (Fig. 8; sites 239 and 240, Fig. 4), although having a very
anticlinal folds (Vannoli et al., 2004). The slow coastal    high uncertainty regarding age and shoreline position,
uplift resulting from the marker’s altitude confirms the      display less subsidence relative to the Emilia-Romagna
model of the long-term and present-day tectonic regime       sites. These two northern sites are closer to the northern
of the area, which is compressional along the front of       side of the Po Plain, and thus might indicate flexure
the Apennines (Fig. 5a and b).                               related to the Southern Alpine and Dinaric contraction
                                                             (Fig. 5a, b and 8).

5.10. Northern Adriatic                                      6. Discussion

   North from the slightly uplifted terraces of the          6.1. Tectonic models for displacement of the MIS 5.5
Marche region, the MIS 5.5 marker is strongly down-          marker
dropped at the northern Adriatic coast. The marker is
recovered in boreholes between À85 and À117 m b.s.l. in         The different altitudes at which markers of the MIS
the northern Emilia-Romagna region (Fig. 8). The             5.5 highstand have been placed by tectonic movements
marker is here represented by a wedge-shaped littoral        have been used to propose models of regional deforma-
sand body, which can be traced by borehole correlation       tion in Italy. By compiling the altitude of 31 outcrops

Table 2
Analytical data for the new ESR ages for Po` Plain cores

Site     Lab. no. H2O (Sed.) U-cont.  Th-cont. K-cont. (Sed.) U.cont (foss.) De (Gy)          Do (mGy/a) ESR age

                 (%) (Sed) (ppm) (Sed) (ppm) (%)                       (ppm)                            (ka)

205-S10  K-4383  30       2.870.2     6.970.6                1.5870.1  0.570.2  163.09718.91 13187148   124720
240-S8   K-4384  30      1.0670.1     6.570.5                1.3170.1  0.570.2                          129718
222-S2   K-4385  30       3.570.2     8.570.6                 1.370.1  0.570.2  126.6477.92 9937127     154726

                                                                                209.51        13647168

The surface of the mollusk shells was cleaned with acid. The ages have been calculated using the early uptake model (computer programme DATA
VII from Rainer Gru¨ n, Canberra, Australia). De is the equivalent dose (‘‘accumulated dose’’), Do is the ‘‘annual dose’’ (the dose of radiation a
samples receives during a year).
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