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L. Ferranti et al. / Quaternary International 145– 146 (2006) 30–54

Fig. 10. Elevation of the MIS 5.5 markers, indicated by numbers in black in metres with respect to modern s.l., plotted on a DEM of Campania and
Tyrrhenian Basilicata. Markers type and quality factor as listed in Additional Table are indicated. Active faults from unpublished data. Inset shows
coast-parallel section of marker elevation (trace indicated by dashed line).

of 133715 and 129.5715 ka, respectively. Given the          the marine terraces are uplifted to $20 m a.s.l. probably
large uncertainty of the age, the amount of subsidence      as a result of flexural unloading in the footwall of the
cannot be accurately determined, and the value used         normal fault system bordering the plain. Southwards,
(À0.26 mm/a) is derived from a mean radiometric age of      between the centre of uplift around Livorno and the
131 ka. For this particular site, we consider a mean        Roman volcanic complex (around Sabatini complex,
radiometric age, which is slightly older than the nominal   Fig. 9), the marker altitudes indicate tectonic stability.
MIS 5.5 age. In the same core, Holocene lagoonal            At the Roman volcanic complex, markers indicate a
deposits are encountered at the expected eustatic           150 km wavelength bulge which was related to magmatic
elevation (Lambeck et al., 2004b), but assessment of        injection beneath the 420 ka vents (Bordoni and
the relative contribution of subsidence and sediment        Valensise, 1998; Karner et al., 2001; Nisi et al., 2003).
supply is difficult.                                         We add here the observation that the bulge has spikes
                                                            which can be attributed to the interference between the
   In southern Tuscany and Lazio, the highstand is          different volcanic complexes of Vulsini, Vico, Sabatini
documented by marine terraces and locally by tidal          and Albani (Fig. 9), whose activity becomes younger to
notches. Immediately south of the Versilia plain (Fig. 9),
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