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36 L. Ferranti et al. / Quaternary International 145– 146 (2006) 30–54
Ligurian–Balearic and Miocene–Pliocene Tyrrhenian 4.1.2. Erosional/chemical indicators
sea rifting, respectively (Cherchi and Montandert, Inner margin of marine terraces. The inner
1982; Burrus, 1984; Rossi et al., 1996; Assorgia et al., margin of a terrace indicates the position of the palaeo-
1997). Today, both islands appear tectonically stable shore line. In hard rock it appears as a step between the
(Fig. 5a; Boschi et al., 1997). wave-cut platform and the former cliff. In soft rock, it is
covered by colluvial deposits and can hardly be
The present-day pattern of regional deformation is identified. An uncertainty of 3 m was attributed to
recognized through crustal seismicity and GPS velocity well-exposed inner margins and 20 m to the masked
fields (Fig. 5b). The earthquake focal mechanisms ones, the latter being only evidenced by a knickpoint in
record northeast–southwest extension along the axis of the topographic profile.
the Apennine chain and northeast–southwest to north–
south contraction and transpression in several segments Marine terrace. Terraces are today usually
of the Adriatic foreland of the Apennines, southern Alps degraded and their inner margin is destroyed. The
and Dinarids (Gasparini et al., 1985; Montone et al., maximum height of the terrace was therefore taken as
1997). GPS velocities together with regional seismicity the indicator of palaeo-sea-level with an uncertainty of
(Fig. 5b) indicate that the southern part of Italy 20 m.
experiences larger horizontal velocities than its northern
counterpart as both parts converge towards stable Tidal notch. The notch is a common intertidal
Europe (Oldow et al., 2002; Oldow and Ferranti, 2005). feature at coasts with moderate tidal range. The
maximum concavity is formed by the neap tide range
4. Data compilation and is, thus, a precise measure of the mean sea-level
position with assigned uncertainty of 0.2 m.
4.1. Sea-level indicators
4.1.3. Biological indicators
Based on field observations, a list of the MIS 5.5 Top of lithophaga hole band. The pelecypod
highstand markers (Table 1 and Fig. 6) was established. Lithophaga lithophaga colonizes the first 20 m below the
The list includes seven types of markers grouped in three sea-level of calcareous rocky coasts, but it is statistically
classes (Table 1). Two classes are composed of depositional very frequent in the first 2 m below mean sea-level. From
and erosional/chemical indicators of the eustatic sea-level. the upper limit of the burrows a sub-horizontal line is
In addition, we introduce a third class of biological defined, which is considered as a reliable marker of a
indicators, which are destructive or constructional organ- past mean sea-level position (Stiros et al., 1992),
isms living at sea-level. According to its nature, each provided that fossil specimens of L. lithophaga are
marker was assessed its specific uncertainty regarding sea- found in some of the rock-bored holes. The assigned
level positioning. We consider markers with definable (and uncertainty on this marker is 2 m.
preferentially small) uncertainty as reliable. Dendropoma reef. One of the most valuable
4.1.1. Depositional indicators indicators of sea-level are in situ bioconstructions of Beach/lagoon transition deposit. Lagoonal de- some calcareous algae (Lithophyllum lichenoides, Neo-
posits (silty and clayey sediments) frequently bear the goniolithon notarisii) living alone or in symbiosis with
bivalve Cerastoderma glaucum and the gastropods the gastropod vermetids Dendropoma petraeum (Anto-
Bittium sp., Rissoa sp. and Hydrobia sp. This fauna nioli et al., 1999a). The lower limit of the bioconstruc-
assemblage is characterized as ‘‘Euryhaline and Eur- tion corresponds to the mean low tide level (Laborel and
ythermal in brackish water (LEE)’’ (Peres and Picard, Laborel Deguen, 1994). The narrow zonation of these
1964). It indicates the mean sea-level with an uncertainty organisms yields an indication of sea-level with an
of 2 m. uncertainty of 0.2 m. Unfortunately, Dendropoma
markers, although frequent in present-day reefs, are Backshore/foreshore deposit. These deposits rare as fossil reefs due to their fragile nature and are
are typically composed of litho- and bioclasts forming only known from sheltered caves of Sicily (Antonioli
ridges and wedges, but they may be related to a et al., this issue).
shoreline with variable uncertainty. In general, the
uncertainty for both backshore and foreshore deposits 4.2. The uncertainty of sea-level constraints
may be 10 m if lateral facies transition or biofacies are
not established. When facies analysis allows correlation The uncertainty of sea-level positioning is constrained
of beach deposits with adjacent foreshore and backshore by the precision with which the position of the indicator
sediments, the palaeo-sea-level position might be identi- with respect to the palaeo-sea-level is determined and
fied with an uncertainty of 6 m. precision of the age of the indicator.