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38 L. Ferranti et al. / Quaternary International 145– 146 (2006) 30–54

few radiometric age constraints. Ecostratigraphy relies                        5. Occurrence of the MIS 5.5 markers in Italy
on the index fossil S. bubonius and is less reliable when
only barren ‘‘senegalaise fauna’’, which includes species                         The spatial distribution of the MIS 5.5 markers in
still living today, occur. Many markers are ‘‘dated’’                          Italy is shown in Fig. 3. Figs. 7–12 shows the altitude of
using geomorphologic-stratigraphic criteria, and corre-                        the most reliable indicators according to their quality
lations with adjacent sites where age estimates are                            (indicated in the Additional Table). Sites, which lack
available.                                                                     reliable chronological constraints (e.g. Sarno in Campa-
                                                                               nia, Trieste in Friuli, Fortore in Puglia) and sites, for
   Minor uncertainty sources are represented by correc-                        which full consensus about their attribution to MIS 5.5
tions for crustal loading due to eustatic changes and                          (e.g. Lipari and Taormina in Sicily, Crotone, Villa San
ambiguity in marker identification due to tectonic                              Giovanni and Capo Vaticano in Calabria) were not
displacement. Crustal loading during 120 m of eustatic                         achieved amongst the authors are listed in the Addi-
sea-level variation is on the order of a few metres (e.g.                      tional Table, but not included in Figures and in the
Lambeck et al., 2004b) and in most cases, given the                            discussion.
range of observed elevations up to over one hundred
metres, contributes little to the total uncertainty.                              The altitude of the most reliable markers varies from
However, where the marker is close to the eustatic                             À125 to +175 m with respect to modern sea-level.
elevation, lack of compensation for crustal loading                            Whereas the lowest altitudes are shown at the northern
introduces a locally unknown error.                                            Adriatic coast and at the large coastal plain in northern
                                                                               Campania (Figs. 7 and 10), the highest altitudes are
4.3. Database structure and uplift rate calculation                            recorded at the coasts of southern Calabria and eastern
                                                                               Sicily, and at the Jonian coast of Basilicata (Figs. 11
The complete dataset of the MIS 5.5 sea-level                                  and 12)

highstand in Italy is listed in an Additional Table                               The significant differences in altitude of the indicators
                                                                               originate from different regional tectonic settings
provided on the web (.pdf file). Besides geographic                             associated with segments of the orogenic belt. In the
                                                                               following, the elevation pattern of the MIS 5.5 marker
coordinates and marker specification, the dataset                               in specific regions named in Fig. 4 is discussed in light of
                                                                               the local tectonic processes, through a journey winding
includes the relevant faunal assemblage, the dating                            counterclockwise along the shores of Italy. Where
                                                                               Holocene deposits are present, we compare MIS 5.5
technique and available radiometric ages, and the                              markers with Holocene markers to validate the tectonic
                                                                               interpretation drawn from the MIS 5.5 markers.
derived uplift rate and its uncertainty.
                                                                               5.1. Sardinia
Following Lambeck et al. (2004b), the uplift rate u
                                                                                  From Sardinia an extensive number (58) of MIS 5.5
and its variance su2 are given by                                              sites are reported, with marker distribution mainly
                                                                               controlled by lithology since most notches are found
     DH                        sDH 2                 2                       on limestone promontories (Fig. 7). Inner margins are
u¼                                             DH                              poorly identifiable at low laying coasts owing to the
             and su2        ¼            þ    T 5:52      sT       2  (1)      thick continental cover, which was not eroded due to the
     T 5:5                                                                     tectonically stable conditions of the island.
                               T      2                       5:5
                                  5:5                                             Sardinia is the only region in the Tyrrhenian Sea
                                                                               where the marker elevation has a very low variability of
with eustatic and glacio-hydro-isostatic compensation                          $10 m. The elevation of many sites lies between 5 and
given by                                                                       6 m, and therefore it was chosen as our reference site for
                                                                               the MIS 5.5 eustatic elevation.
DH ¼ H5:5 À dH5:5,
                                                                                  Within this generally stable setting, minor but
where H5:5 is the height of the observed MIS 5.5                               consistent patterns of vertical motions at metre scale
                                                                               may be recognized in local areas owing to the accurate
shoreline above mean sea-level and dH5.5 is the height of                      sea-level positioning and excellent lateral exposure of
this shoreline in areas of tectonic stability.                                 the tidal notch (Fig. 7). For instance, at Capo Caccia,
                                                                               located on the NW side of the island, the marker
T5:5 is the age of MIS 5.5 with the uncertainty sT5:5                          altitude decreases from east to west across different rock
and s2DH is the uncertainty of the tectonic uplift                             promontories from an eustatic elevation of 5.5 to 4 m
    s2          sd2H5:5 ).                                                     and 3.5 m (Fig. 7, inset). The subsidence towards the
(¼           þ                 We        adopt  the       following   values:
      H 5:5
T 5:5 ¼ 125 ka, sT5:5 ¼ 5 ka, dH5:5 ¼ 6 m, sdH5:5 ¼ 3 m,

the latter being the observational error of the Sardinia

site. sdH5:5 is deduced from the estimated uncertainty of
palaeo-sea-level, and mostly fall within 5 m (Table 1).

Radiometric ages are drawn from existing reports,

and additional ESR data are provided in this paper for

the Po Plain sites. Based on the combined uncertainties

derived from paleo sea-level positioning, age and

altitude measurement, a quality factor ranging from 1

to 3 is attributed to each marker. This datum is

presented in an Additional Table, available through

the Corresponding Author.
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