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Probable root structures and associated trace fossils from the Lower Pleistocene calcarenites of Favignana Island, southern Italy...  749

                               Fig. 4. Faviradixus robustus sp. nov. in Lower Pleistocene calcarenites in Punta Lungo, site 1

A – branched specimens and Ophiomorpha nodosa (Oph), oblique view; B – branched specimens, oblique view; C – photomosaic with F. robustus,
                                                             Beaconites isp. and Ophiomorpha nodosa (Oph)

penetration by roots can start from a higher and younger conti-   or box-work pattern, where the burrows can rejoin after
nental colonization surface. Nevertheless, the absence of pre-    branching (e.g., Ekdale, 1992).
served soil or karst surface above, the absence of remnants of
wood of organic matter, and the absence of significant                                  Egadiradixus gen. nov.
micritization around the “wall” (Fig. 5C) makes this interpreta-
tion provisional.                                                     D e r i v a t i o n o f n a m e. – From the Aegadian Is-
                                                                  lands, which include Favignana, the island of occurrence of the
    Among trace fossils, only the crustacean burrow               type ichnospecies, and from radix (Latin) – root.
Thalassinoides Ehrenberg, 1944 is similar, but none of the
known ichnospecies fits the structure described. It is expected
that branches will be more common in Thalassinoides, with
swelling at branch junctions, and the burrows will form a maze
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