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P. 8

752 Alfred Uchman, Andrzej Ślączka and Pietro Renda

                       Fig. 8. Egadiradixus rectibrachiatus sp. nov. in Lower Pleistocene calcarenites, Frascia, S of cemetery, site 3
A – holotype (still in the field); B, C – other specimens: 1st d – first discontinuity, biot – bioturbated layer; D – specimen with side branches of smaller dia-
meter, bioturbated layer (biot) at the top of the host cross-bedded set, below the first discontinuity (1st d); E – E. rectibrachiatus, branched and apparently
unbranched, ?Skolithos-like specimens below the first (1st d) and second (2nd d) discontinuities; F – general view of site 3 showing horizontally laminated
calcarenites overlying the cross-bedded unit with E. rectibrachiatus, below the first (1st d) and second (2nd d) discontinuities
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