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Rivisu ltali.tna di Paleomologi.t e Str.atignfia  Jvolume no                          no. l - ~p.l5·22  April2004



                                           R~iwJ Octobrr JO, 2002; aa:quJ Nm.'t'ntbtrr 4, 10CJ

         Key.uiOfdJ: Sidly. Jur;usie, palaeogrog~phy.                                 due assegnabili al "'Rosso Ammonitico•l.s): -ndiobriti cd .ugiUiU.
                                                                                              Nel Liu inferiore e medio i due domini erano suddivisibili nel
        Abscr"cl.. Two tcctoncrsedinu:ntary domains. which wcre de-
(ormed during the Neogene ;:md e,·olvt'd into rwo large s«·                Ma~threbide s«:ondo pia.tuJorme e b.tcini interdigit:ni ercdh:tti dal Tri:as
tors, cha.nctcri1.e the Sicili1n Juras~ic:: the Maghrcbides :and Pcloriu-             c nd Pelorirano secondo pi.:auafonnt e rampe carbon~tiche circoncbnti
ni. A(rica m:..rgin scdimcnu, p:assing downward to Triassic succes:sions              lncini probabilmente romboc:asmici.
2nd perh.-ps originali)' IO P.11t07.0ÌC' dcpositJ., characteriu the (ormcr.
The bncr belongs 10 the Europcan •ç:alabri.:an Are·. whcrc thcjur:t.ssic                      Ovunque, tnnnt ratt ccc:ezioni, le<1forme :subirono it noto
transgrc"SSÌ\'cly resu on a eominent'al sub.«r.uc (i.c. thc crystalline Vt-           annegamento giur.usieo~ con ttndcn~i.:ale anticipo al Domcri:mo supe-
riscan b:asrment).                                                                    riore nd PcJoriuno e uno più nuuc.uo e diffuso al To:arciano nel M11·
                                                                                      ghrcbidc. Solo in que.s1'uhimo furono anivi vulcani sottomarini mc-
        Thue domalns ilre ch~racteri.x.ed by rour .scdimem;ny facics:
sh:allow pl:atfom1-d.erivcd Jjmrstonc$: condcnscd s~mounHypc rcd                      dio~iurassici .
lime:stone.s; limestones with Otmmonites: deep ndiolaritu v.d
sbales. Thesc (:acies :~re illun.r.ucd in :a dozcn o( nr.nigro1phic logs.             lntroductlon

        The drowning of most Triusic-Li:~ssic carbonate pluforms                             A palaeogcograpbic restoration of two Jurassic
Ot ramps ;:md the o( :adjac:em b;tsins c:&me with inferred                 crustal secrors, each otber fromal to tbe boundaries of
Jur:u.sie n rikc-sJjp ttctoni~:."i. connccted to the rdatÌ\•e movement of             tbe suggested oceanic domain of the Alpine-Tctbys witb
Africa (Gol:'ldv.-3ni:~n p:an) vs. Europe (Uur:ui:~n p:.,n); the s:tmé' strike-.      lhe soutbern Neotethys one (cf. Stampni et al. 2002), is
slip tcctonics may have nust"d sc.1uered intrnpl.1te volcanic scamounts               bere offered. The southern crustal sector is supposed to
found in Maghrcbide-s.                                                                belong to Gondwana, from wbich the Magbrebide Chain
                                                                                      origina.ted. The nonhern sector is attributed to
        During thc Jur:usic the Maghrebide re.1.lm w:as char.acteriz-cd by            J..aurasia, from whicb tbe materials of one or more micro-
che interfingerin& of b:.,sins and c:arbon:ate platforms. During the Ear-             continents derived. The latter, eventuallyassembled in the
ly :md MiddJc Li:auic, carbon:atc pl:atfonn.s and ramps were dominant.                Miocene, is bere considered to form rhe Calabrian Are,
Since To:arei011'1 either r.\diobriu:s in some Msi.ns or AJ1Hnonite·beuing            wbose Sicilian part is tbe Peloritani region. This region is
ct~lcm:ous muds de\'elopcd with imcrvcning b.lsahic nows. :md were                    bere assumed as an exotic "terrane• (Fig. l).
:aoeompanied by condensed pdagic arbona.te-son the ensialic sc:amount·
                                                                                             For rbe rwo Sicilian sectors, cb:~tacterized by a fold
typc highs.                                                                           ~and .. rhrust sryle, a palinspastic reconstructìon is pro~
                                                                                      posed, not strictly takiog imo account their present po-
        The Jleloritani ~Jm display$ similar characteristiCJ. but with                sition (as suggested by Castany 1956; Zappaterra 1994,
latcr uansgrc.ssion on thc buemcnt, scvcnl strike-slip basins and with-               among tbc others), but considering, on tbe wbole, the
out :any volc:anoes.                                                                  amount of sbortening occurred. The sedimentary char-
                                                                                      acters of them bave been individuated on the basis of the
        Rfassunto. 11 Giurassico s-i rlsconu'3 in due domini nrut·        research on the Sicilian Jurassic ca.rried out since mid XIX
turati plit<1Uvamcncc dal Miocene secondo due catene or.a                 century: namely the palaeontologicaland geologica! stud-
s:ald~tc: il M:aghrcbidc c li Pdorit:.1no (Fig. 1). Uprimo~ form~to da sc-            ies of G.G. Gemmellaro (Mid XIX century); Di Stefano
dimemi marini di nurgine gondwaniano-afric:mo. in continuit1 dcPQsi-                  G. (1887); Di Stefano & Cortese (1891); Fucini ( 1921);
l.ion:tle almeno daJ Triaso ll S«:ondo ~ form;uo cb sedimenti di margine trugrc.sshti, sul b:lSamtnto varisieo e 1:. sua sottile
copcnur.:. contlnenu.le uiassK:o•infr:aliassia, solo nel Lias infC'riorc:.

         1sedimc:mi giurassici di :ambc:duc i domini .sonoc:sprcui da quat-
tro tipo1ogi.c litologiche c: in un:t<1 di logstr:nigrafici cmblem:.1ici:
•C:&IC;1ti neritiei di e di r:am?J; carbonatlCl; -calcari rossi di se·
dimcm:uionc: fX'I.~gic.:. condensar:~; -ca.IC'ari nodulari ros:.1ti (questi uhimi

l Oip:tnim. Geologi:a e: Gt:odest:. Uni\•ettit~ dj P.dermo. \~ An:hil' 22, I-90J23; Tel.+.390916230)11. E-m:til:
2 CP 93 PPTI, via Roma, 90100 Palcnno, Td. + 393478S1659. E-maLI;
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