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20 8. Abate, G. Lo Cic<ro & L. Mont<VIari

fig. 6  .. physiographic mode1 (or the Eatly Liassic in the Pclorit~ni's :u·e:a: LG • Longi ~sin; GA, SMA, FZ, SI~ TA, GO. SA =

          G-:tlati. S. Marco d'AiunUo, Fr:tz:c.anò, S. Pietro, T:torminoa, Gallodoro, S. Andrea carbon.ate platfonns or n.mps; AL= Ah gypsiferous

         -.and carbonacic shdf; F-M = fondathelli·M:andraui·Mandanici zone; ASP e Asptomonte lone; NV • Rocca Novara zone. (modi(.

         from C:areione et :al. 2003).

       - In Maghrebides, until the Middle Lias, the Tri-      scale, a.nd deep volcanism suggest a moderate structural
assic structure persisted with the presence of carbonate      dynamics.

platforms, ramps and relative sediments. Fcw emcrsions               Updated generai models for the Gondwana-Laura-
                                                              sia boundaty during che Jurassic., which includcs the two
occurred (one of these took piace in the Panormide, at        Sicilian rcalms (Stampfli & Mosar 1999; Stampfli et al.
Mt. Gallo, with bauxites occupying the Early Lias-Early       2002), as well as of some Authors (Muttoni et al. 2000)
Malm interv.l (Di Stefano 2002)).                             ones for the Gondwana sector, show widespread strike-
                                                              slip tectanics. T his laner one, foreseen by C atalano &
       - In the Peloritani, both the transgression over thc   D 'Argenio ( 1982), may jus tify the contemporaneous
basement and its continental-Triassic cover occurred later    prescnce of adjacent structural ups and downs (push-
(Lower Liassic). The correspondence between these two         ups and rhombocasms) , even if of reduced dimensions.
zoncs concerning Lower Liassic sedime.ntation was later
reversed during two differeot times: at first the drowning           On the base of these considerations and daLt, and
took piace by the Peloritan sector during Late Domer-         on the base of the mutua! position of domains whicb
ian, then during che Toarcian in tbe Maghrebian one. The      were deforn1ed during Miocene (e.g. by Catalano et al.
latter occurred when the mainly carbonate sedimenta-          2000 for che Maghrebides; Lentini et al. 2000; Carcione
tion alternated with the radiolaritic-argillitic one. The     et al. 2003 for Peloritani) wc can suggest four concep-
few affinities between the two depositional areas are in      tual physiographic models, for the Early Liassic (cime
the sporadic netitic occurrence at the top of the Jurassic    of carbonate platforms) or the Middlc Jurassic (time of
                                                              their dro,vning).
(EIIipsactinia-bearing limcstones in the Panormide, Cly-
peina-bearing limes tones in the N ovarese) and in the radi-         As for Maghrebides, excluding the Jurassic Sicilide,
                                                              the firs t t ime may indicate platforms and half-encircled
olaritcs both by the Imerese, Sicanian (Maghrebides) and      basins (Fig. 4), where the Hyblaean euxinic basin o f the
by the Alì (Peloritani) sequence. This resembles parental     Streppenosa Fm. s uggests a potential indipendente of
relationships with the Sicilide rift, which was interposed    Magbrebides from Apulia.
between Peloritani and Maghrebides in the Jurassic-Cre-
                                                                     At the second time (Fig. 5) the development of
caceous nmes.                                                 trnnscurre.nt strucrures owing to strike-slip tectonics
       Simultaneous distinct physiographic s ituations

with different depositional typology, even to a small
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