Page 2 - Abate_ali_2003
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16 B. Abau, G. Lo Cicero & L. Montmrari

                                                             Fig. l  · :scheme of Sicily;

                                                                      Us = Ustica lsb.nd. Eol =

                                                                      Eolr.n hl•nds, El;. :. Egadi
                                                                      W»~.c!s, E• = Em•.

Maugeri-Patané (1924, 1932}; Schmidt-Friedberg et al.               Bctween the neritic limestones and the others, allo-
(1960}; Ognibcn (1960}; Wendt (1963, 1971}.                  dapic sediments may be found. Further paleoenvironmen-
                                                             tal informatico carne from neptunian dykes (Weodt 1965)
       From the Sixt ies of the last century micropaleonto-
logical contributions - initially by oil industry and Gov-   and from coeva[ hardgrounds Uenkins 1970;Jenkins et al.
ernmental lnstirutions • and facies analyses (R;go & Bar-
bieri 1959; Barbieri 1964; Montanari 1965, 1966} have        2002). Ali these lithofacies cbaractcrizc scveral sedimen-
been taken into consideration.
                                                             tary "facies-domains" (Fig. 3). The first lithofacics per-
Jurasslc framework
                                                             rains 10 carbonale plarforms o r ramps, whjch started to
       Our stratigraphic analysis on jurassic sediments      grow since the Late Triassic; tbeir age extends from Early
allows to individuate fou r deposits assemblages, corre-     w Middle Liassic and sometimes up to Late Jurassic.
sponding to sedimentary environments (Fig. 2): neri tic
limesrones; Cephalopoda-bearing red condensed pelag-                T hc depositional sites changed their characteris-
ites; nodular white to reddish Ammonite-bcaring lime-        tics in time. TiU the M iddle Liassic the plarforms were
stones ("Rosso Ammonitico" or R.A. auct.); argillites        clevated compared to the adjacent hemipelagic basins.
and radiolarites.
                                                             Since rhe Late Pliensbachian (spinatum Zone) in the Pe-
                                                             loritani domain and since the Early Toarcian (falciferum

                                                             Zone) in the Maghrebian domain, almost ali of them
                                                             drowned, becoming sites for pelagic red Ammonite-
                                                             bearing condensed limestones. Tbc basins, whicb were
                                                             adjacent 10 the p latforms, are characterized by either

                                                             Fig. 2  - Four mainjurassic lithofacies
                                                                       usoci.ation.s. Not~ pbr(orms
                                                                      and st;amount4ype nruclures
                                                                      with condensed Middle U~s­
                                                                       sic "Rosso Ammonilico-" s.I.
                                                                      (R.A.) crossed by neptuni:an
                                                                      dykes. Bl:tck Jinc:s for inJerrcd
                                                                       bouom currents; s.c.d. • ~t·

                                                                       ur:uion comptnution depth.
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