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Sicilia/l jumssi<plrysiograplry                                     21

l'ig. 7  • Middle & L:tt~ M:~lm physiognphy in t.he Pdorit:mi :area. Grey for seamoum-type structures with condenstd Rosso Ammonitico. SIC
           = Sidlide trcnch:othér symbols .and lttltf'$ sc:t prt,•ious figurtt. (modi(. (rom ~rcionc et :!.1.2003). During thc Miocene nonhrm wd

           westtm sectOI'$ 3ppro2chc:d thc: southcrn aneli bec2use of scvernlthrusu.

may show borh transpressive seamount-like highs with                         Middle Jurassic these drowned and produced condensed
condensed carbonate ptlagic sedimeotation and tran-                          pelagic ca.rbonares (Fig. 7).
stensive basins, these last ones with borh pelagic norma!
Ammonitico Rosso, deeper radiolarites, and submerged                                 Acknowledgemems. The :tuthors th:r.nk rhe rev-iewcn B.
volcanoes.                                                                   D'Argcnio, G. Stampfll and M. Gaetani as well as the joum;~.l cditori:J
                                                                             n:af( forconstructive commcntJ. Fin:a.nci:)l suppon is b:ued on MIUR
       As for Peloritani, the Liassic occurrences suggcst                    contribution (ex 60% G. lo Cicero).
rimming carbonate platforms (Fig. 6), whereas in the

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