Page 3 - Abate_ali_2003
P. 3

Sirilia11 jurassicphysiography                      17

               M Ac HRE8                                        D Es  Fig. 3  . Sc.hematic str.uigraphic col·
                                                                               unms or the Jurnssic fac:ies
                          VR se TP·SA HY
                                                                               doma.ins. PP-TU • Pcepa·
                                                                               normide·Tunis:i:an; PA = Pa-
Oogg"                                                                          normidc; 1M = Imer-ese; VR

"<' """"               1.:·_:'2;·:;                                            • Vicar-ese: SC • Sic:anian,

~ Low:. ltMid                                                                  TP-SA = Tnpl.neie-S:accerue:
                                                                               NV = Nova.r.t Sicula; AL •

                                                                               Ah; TA ~ T:tormina; GA =

                                                                               GaJati; LG = l.oogi.

               PELO R  T


111 Uppc:r


::; Low. &Mid


nodular ho lopdagic limestones or hemipelagic radiola·          nian basin) are resedimented, Same resedirnentation of
rites and argiUites.                                            J urassic rocks in siliciclasùc Miocene flysch occurs by
                                                                Case Tita near Mistretta.
       This paleoenvironmental mosaic was included
in differcnt paleogcographic frames by some Authors                    In the Peloritani, near Rocca Novara and Forza
(Scandone et al. 1977; Catalano & O'Argenio 1978;               d'Agrò, Tithonian whire clasts were resedimented as a
1982; Montanari 1989, 2000; Abate et al. 1993, 1997,            breccia-like lo thc Oligocene varicoloured marls; many
2002; Vai 1992)                                                 blocks of condensed Rosso Ammonitico are included in
                                                                the "ScagGa" as well as in Miocene siliciclastic turbidites,
       T he sedimentalogical difference between the             suggesting a repeated mass slide.
Maghrebian and tbe Peloritanian domains dccrcascd in
rhe Late Jurassic times (Calpionella-bearing limestones               Here we deal with the Jurassic domains, from the
in drowned zones) cven though exceptions may be found
in the Panormide domain (Ellipsactinia-bearing deposits)        "internai" to "cxtcrnal" ones, according to t.he modero
and in Peloritani ("Novara succcssion" with Clypeina jll-       structural organisation of the deformed rock assemblag·
rassica-bearing carbooates). Since the Late Triassic large      es in a "cylindristic" framework of south-verging over-
amounu of allodapic and intrabasinal breccias dcposited         thrusts, with a moderate transversal strike-sGp tecton_ics.
in the basi ns. ln ma.ny Maghrebian sectors (Fig. 3) pil-
low-lavas also occurred, suggesting an incipient rift, lat-            M a g h r c bi des
er abortcd.                                                            a) Prepanormide (PP)-A_e.gusean Tunisian (TU

Structures and paleophyslographlc analysis                      eg.) ("Aeguseao" lmm.. ili!;. ançient Greek. generic Ae·
                                                                ~ Co.t Egadi jslands) , T he name is an informai com-
       !t is necessary to distinguish autochthonous and
allochthonous Jurassic rocks, either in deformed or un-         promise. "Prepaoormide" was born as a nomen nudum
deformed sites. The srructural position needs to be veri-       (Catalano & O'Argenio 1982) suggesting another palc-
fied, to discriminate wbethtr the rocks are true tcctonic       odomain between an internai realm (probably the "oce·
                                                                anic" Sicilide of Ogniben 1960) and an external Maghre-
Klippen or cf are resedimemed exotic materials. For in-         bian-Trapanese realm,

stance,Jurassic neritic rocks from Vicari, Roccapalumba,                lts stratigraphy was later considered analogous to
Pictrecadute in Western Sicily are remains of a Nappe           that of the Tunisian realm (Catalano 1987). One of us
overthrus ting the Sicanian thrusts. [ns tead, lo the Sicanian
sequence, the megabreccia-swarrns with Liassic wb.ite ne-       {Montanari 1989) suggested therefore to change "Prepa·
ri tic limestones embedded in the white Cretaceous "Sca-
glia" (e.g. Adranone, near Sciacca and in the same Sica-        normide,. into •'Tunisian", because of:
                                                                        - the new opinions and data about the belonging

                                                                of such domain to North-Africa, as Fabiani & Trevisan
                                                                (1940} and Ruggicri (1973) had already suggested;

                                                                        - stratigraphic differences from the "true" Panor·
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