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GNGTS 2016                                                             sessione 2.2

           marked  directivity  properties  as  evidenced  by  polarization  analysis  results.  The  ellipticity
           diagrams show a corresponding sharp drop to zero at the same frequencies of the HVSR peaks,
           indicating a high degree of linearity in the particle motion, and the polar plots show directivity
           of particle motion approximately orthogonal to the fractures. In general, the results obtained
           by the polarization analysis show a polarization perpendicular to the main fractures that can
           be interpreted as vibrational motion of individual blocks (Galea et al., 2014), where vibration
           frequency is related to geometrical and mechanical properties of the dislodged rock blocks (Got
           et al., 2010).
             Conclusions. In the western part of Cala Rossa bay (Favignana, Italy), an ongoing lateral
           spreading process threats the “Pirrere” quarries, an important heritage site. On February-May
           2015, seismic noise measurements were carried out both on the stable plateau area and on the
           unstable zone that pointed out a different seismic response in the two areas. In the unstable
           area, several HVRS peaks were observed at frequencies higher than 5.0 Hz and these peaks are
           characterized by marked directivity properties. The results by HVSR and polarization analyses
           allowed to associate the obtained seismic response to the vibrational motion of dislodged rock
             Considering  the  obtained  preliminary  results,  more-detailed  studies  will  be  carry  out  to
           characterize the vibrational modes of single rock blocks, in the frame of designing protection
           strategies to manage the landslide process in Cala Rossa bay.

           Acknowledgements. The Authors are grateful to J. Burjánek for the use of the polarization codes. The Authors
           wish to thank the local authorities for supporting the geological and geophysical surveys.
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