Page 110 - MSc_thesis_R A Kil
P. 110

D Modelling results

This appendix provides an overview of the results of the facies modelling. Chapter 6 can be consulted
as a guidance for the MPS modelling. After this model some the alternative algorithms —discussed in
section 7.6 — are shown. The table below gives an overview of the material reported in this appendix.

Table D.1 – List of figures used to illustrate different aspects of the Favignana facies model.

Model  Description
D.1    The facies logs from fieldwork data used as input
D.2    Examples of k layers of the training image grid
D.3    Probability maps
D.4    Probability maps (continued)
D.5    Close-ups of the final Multi-point statistics model
D.6    Porosity model
D.7    Sequential indicator simulation model
D.8    Truncated Gaussian simulation model

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