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Abate et al. (1997); D’Angelo et al. (2005) interpreted the clay as the Trubi formation, that can be found
on several locations around the Mediterranean. It is commonly found on the mainland of Sicily and is
assumed to be deposited in a calm marine environment in the middle to late Pliocene — the Zanclean
stage (Couvering (van) et al., 2000). Because the Trubi clay dates from the Upper Pliocene and the
Favignana calcarenite from the Lower Pleistocene, the Plio- Pleistocene boundary on Favignana is defined
at the contact between the clay and the calcarenite. This is observed at three main locations in the
fieldwork area: 1) at the lowest part of eastern Cala Rossa, see figure 4.9e; 2) beneath the large foresets
in the northern part of Cala Azzurra; and 3) below the calcarenite of the western part of Cala Azzurra,
shown in figure 4.9f.

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