Page 49 - MSc_thesis_R A Kil
P. 49

(a) Trough cross-stratification looking in the       (b) Approximately three metres thick unit
orientation of the transport direction. Thick-      showing trough cross-stratification (Cala
ness of sequence ca. two metres.                    Rossa bay).

(c) Inclined beds of Cala Azzurra showing al-       (d) Extensive bioturbated level on the Punta
most vertical burrows caused by bioturbation.       Lunga peninsula with locally large burrows.
Book for scale.                                     Book for scale.

(e) The massive grey clays — interpreted as         (f ) The contact between underlying clays
the Trubi Formation — in Cala Rossa. The            and extensively bioturbated calcarenite at
contact with the calcarenite is well visible.       the western part of Cala Azzurra. The visible
Book for scale.                                     part of the clay is ca. 30 cm thick.

Figure 4.9 – Field examples of trough cross-stratification, bioturbation and the (Trubi) clay.

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