Page 47 - MSc_thesis_R A Kil
P. 47

(a) Massive unit with vertical fracture. Book      (b) Punta San Vituzzo with massive calcaren-
for scale.                                         ite and Levanzo in the background. Note
                                                   the horizontal marks made by the quarrying

(c) Parallel lamination in the southwestern        (d) Parallel lamination, overlain by biotur-
part of Cala Rossa. Ruler is ca. two metres        bated calcarenite, just east of the Cala Rossa
high.                                              bay. Section approx. two metres thick.

(e) Undulated lamination and low angle par-        (f ) Undulation in the Bue Marino area. The
allel lamination. Section is ca. two metres        SE part of panel B.4, exposing a wall of ca.
high.                                              eight metres high.

Figure 4.7 – Field examples of sedimentary structures outcropping in eastern Favignana. The
photographs illustrate massive calcarenites and parallel- and undulated lamination.

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