Page 5 - Massoli-Novelli_2005
P. 5

The main geomorphosites of ...                                                               141

             and the residual soil, with its typical reddish colour, has  moving counter-clockwise, it is possible to circumnavi-
             been subject to fertilisation. The site is surmounted by  gate the whole island and have a good view of the
             an ancient homestead of the Florio family.         numerous geomorphosites located along the coast.
                 The “Grotta dei Genovesi”, which is located on  Most of these, are coastal caves, whose origin is mainly
             the island’s western coast, is the main attraction of  to be ascribed to the numerous faults which characteri-
             Levanzo. Owing to its artistic Palaeolithic engravings  se this island (Abate et al. 1996).
             and Neolithic paintings, this cave is to be considered an  Soon after the small beach of Bagno di Fimmine,
             important geomorphosite (4). Another peculiarity of this  the interesting “Cave of the Camel” (1) appears, whose
             cave is given by the strange scarcity of stalactite/sta-  name is derived from an adjacent rock similar in appea-
             lagmite concretions, probably due not only to the scar-  rance to the head of this animal. This cave was affected
             ce rainfall of this island but also to the presence of  by the collapse of part of its vault, and the sea water
             overlying clayey beds. This cave was formed at the foot  inside it is crystal-clear.
             of a rock wall made up of monoclinal, seaward-dipping  To the north, one of the most prominent geo-
             thick beds of Mesozoic limestone. These strata show a  morphosites of Marettimo is found: the small promon-
             westward dip-downstream attitude. In proximity of this  tory of “Punta Troia” (2), well-known for the ancient
             cave, both on the rock wall overhanging the entrance to  castle that rises on top of it. This site is also important
             the cave and along the underlying coast, the strata crop  due to particular geological features, such as the per-
             out extremely well and with considerable regularity.  fect semi-arch which links the promontory to the island,
                 The land journey along Levanzo’s western coast  thus creating a particularly striking landscape.
             is quite difficult but eventually one reaches Cala     Behind Punta Troia, the “Cave of Thunder” (3) is
             Tramontana, which is characterised by a steep calca-  found, so called after the roar created by the waves
             reous-dolomitic falaise and where a geomorphosite (5)  that after breaking on the outer wall of the cave, are
             made up of a series of caves named “Grotte di Cala  sucked out through a sort of siphon.
             Tramontana” is found. These other caves are all located  Adjacent to the Cave of Thunder, another intere-
             at nearly the same altitude as the Grotta dei Genovesi,  sting geomorphosite (4) is found: a gigantic “Talus
             some 10-20 m above the present sea level (Fig. 5). The  Fan”, indeed the largest fan present on the island. This
             Cala Tramontana Caves are larger than the more popu-  landform stretches from a canyon high on the cliff as far
             lar Grotta dei Genovesi and they too contain prehistoric  as the sea-shore, with considerable scenic effect.
             and historic remains.                                  All the island’s north-western coast, with its jag-
                 Geomorphosite no. 6 is Capo Grosso, the island’s  ged coastline and spectacular cliffs rising towards the
             northern point. This site is particularly interesting  top of Mt. Falcone (659 m a.s.l.), forms an extremely
             because tectonic and erosional processes have shaped  beautiful and rugged landscape. The “Cave of the Pipe”
             it as if it had been cut through, giving origin to a magni-  (5) is the first to be found. This has a high educational
             ficent falaise where thick strata of dolomitic limestone  value since, more than any other cave, it clearly shows
             are particularly well exposed. This beautiful outcrop  that the origin of the coastal caves is often due to tec-
             shows west-dipping layers at an angle of about 45°.  tonics. In this case, the cavity was developed along a
                 All the eastern coastline of Levanzo is of the falai-  long, partly collapsed, vertical fault. Also “Ficarella
             se type. Here, another geomorphosite (7), which is inte-  Cave ” (6) was formed at the foot of a long fault: its rock
             resting not only from a scenic standpoint, can be admi-  walls also show evident marks of sea breakers at about
             red at Capo Calcara, where the strata of Mesozoic  5 m a.s.l.
             dolomitic limestone were cut by a visible N-S oriented  Shortly afterwards, one arrives at what is conside-
             fault which has created this little bay.           red the most interesting cave, the geomorphosite (7)
                                                                named “Bombarda Cave” (Fig. 6), near the headland
             2.3  Isle of Marettimo                             bearing the same name. The cave’s peculiarity is not so
                 By sailing from the harbour of Marettimo and   much given by the fault stretching across its vault but
                                                                                  rather by its geological structu-
                                                                                  re, with thick layers of Mesozoic
                                                                                  dolomitic limestone in sub-hori-
                                                                                  zontal attitude. Practically, the
                                                                                  cave shows long, horizontally
                                                                                  striated walls, slightly changing
                                                                                  in colour. Owing to an optical
                                                                                  effect the horizontal striae seem
                                                                                  to enhance the already conside-
                                                                                  rable depth of this cave.
                                                                                       After Bassano Point – the
                                                                                  southernmost tip of the island –
                                                                                  and before returning to Ma-
             Fig. 5 – The steep Cala Tramontana coastline of the isle of Levanzo. It is made up of Mesozoic  rettimo, a coastal geomorphosi-
             dolomitic limestones and located north of the well-known Grotta dei Genovesi. The “Grotte di
             Cala Tramontana” geomorphosite, made up of three main karst caves containing prehistoric  te (8) is found along the regular
             finds, is also visible (photo by Tamagnini).                         eastern coast. It consists of one
             La ripida costa di Cala Tramontana, isola di Levanzo, composta di calcari dolomitici mesozoici  of the very few small beaches of
             ed ubicata a nord della nota Grotta dei Genovesi; si nota il gemorfosito “Grotte di Cala  the island, the so-called “Praia
             Tramontana” dato da tre cavità carsiche principali, anch’esse con reperti preistorici (Foto  Nacchere”. Here, a considerable
             Tamagnini).                                                          fault can be observed just at the
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