Page 6 - Massoli-Novelli_2005
P. 6
142 R. Massoli-Novelli
Fig. 6 – La Bombarda cave, located along the
western coast of Marettimo, is characterised by
thick layers of Mesozoic dolomitic limestones with
a sub-horizontal attitude. Along the vault, the fault
at the origin of the cave is quite evident. A com-
mon tectonic origin characterises most of the
numerous karst cavities found on this island
(photo by Massoli-Novelli).
La Grotta Bombarda, ubicata lungo la costa occi-
dentale di Marettimo, è caratterizzata da bancate
di calcari dolomitici mesozoici in giacitura suboriz-
zontale. Evidente lungo la volta la faglia all’origine
della cavità, una origine tettonica comune alla
maggior parte delle numerose cavità carsiche del-
l’isola (Foto Massoli-Novelli).
end of the sandy beach. examples of major and immediate interest: 14 in
Finally, by following a rather demanding trail star- Favignana, 7 in Levanzo and 9 in Marettimo.
ting from the village, it is possible to ascend towards Finally it should be noticed that a few years ago
geomorphosite (9), which is the island’s highest peak: the Egadi Islands were declared a Protected Marine
Mt. Falcone, rising to an altitude of 686 m a.s.l. Area (AMP) managed at first by the local Harbour-Office
and after by the Favignana Municipality. However, at
present no educational-divulgative material is yet availa-
3. CONCLUSIONS ble on the important and interesting geological-geo-
morphological features of the Egadi Islands, which
The geomorphosites of the Egadi Islands are should be better understood and appreciated in order to
numerous and interesting. They were all formed within promote sustainable fruition of these natural resources.
two main rock types: i) Mesozoic dolomitic limestones, Unfortunately, this is not an isolated situation
found in the three main islands, and ii) Pleistocene bio- among the eighteen Italian Protected Marine Areas.
clastic calcarenites present in Favignana.
The geomorphosites resulting from carbonate
rocks are mainly coastal caves, stacks, pinnacles and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
talus fans. On the other hand, the geomorphosites for-
med within calcarenite rocks are both natural – showing The Author is grateful to Professors Sandra
considerable examples of cross-bedding and other Piacente, from the University of Modena and Reggio
sedimentation structures – and anthropogenetic, linked Emilia, and Francesco Torre from the University of
to ancient and intense quarrying activities. On the Trapani, for their critical review of the typescript and
whole, thirty geomorphosites have been identified as useful advice.