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196                                   F. Pepe et al. / Geomorphology 303 (2018) 191–209
          For joint bounded boulders, the initial transportation only occurs by  younger strata of the foreshore complex system outcrops, and can be
        saltation/lifting, and the equation is:              correlated with the younger foreset strata exposed in the SW sector of
                                                             the Punta Faraglione coastal area.
        u ≥2   ρs=ρwð½  Þ−1Š   g   C   cosθ þ μ   sinθð  s  Þ=c l  A total of 81 boulders and 49 sockets were selected among those laid
                                                             in the proximity to the shorelines of Punta Faraglione and Punta Fanfalo
        where u is the minimum flow velocity to initiate boulder transporta-  (Fig. 1A) and analyzed. For each boulder, we first describe the main
        tion, ρw is the density of water (1.03 g/cm ), ρs is the bulk density of  characteristics (e.g. size, orientation, lithology etc.), and then apply the
        boulder, c d the coefficient of drag (typically 2), c l the coefficient of lift  hydrodynamic equations in order to determine both the minimum
        (typically 0.178), B and C are the B- and C-axes of the boulders, θ is  flow velocity and the tsunami or storm wave height that satisfy the re-
        the angle of the bed slope at the pre-transport location (1° for joint  quirements to initiate its transport.
        bounded boulders; 1.7° and 2.5°, respectively, for the submerged boul-
        ders of Punta Faraglione and Punta Fanfalo), μ s is the coefficient of static
        friction (equal to 0.7, Etienne and Paris, 2010; Noormets et al., 2004),  4.1.1. Punta Faraglione
        and g is the acceleration of gravity.                   The Punta Faraglione coastal area is an approximately 1.5 km long,
          The wave height required to transport the boulders is calculated in  rock shore platform exposed to the NW (Fig. 1A). It is inclined ~3° sea-
        accordance with Nott (2003) using the following equation:  ward and interrupted by steep sea cliffs. The submerged zone is charac-
                                                             terized by a gentle platform inclined approximately 1.5°–1.7° (transects
        H≥u = g   δð  Þ                                      a, b and c in Fig. 1B).
                                                                Here boulders were detected as isolated blocks or in small groups
        where δ is a constant (equal to 1 for the storm wave, and equal to 4 for  that, overall, form a discontinuous berm that extended parallel to the
        the tsunami wave) describing the wave typology (Fukui et al., 1963), u 2  coastline for ~950 m. This berm is characterized by a seaward imbricate
        is the minimum flow velocity necessary to initiate the transportation of  structure (Fig. 2b), and has an average width of ~12 m (A-sector in
        boulder by considering different transportation modes (sliding, rolling/  Fig. 2c). The distance from the inner and outer edges of the berm (IE
        overturning, saltation/lifting). Values of u areobtainedbyusing  and OE in Fig. 2c) to the coastline is variable in the range from ~2 to
        Nandasena's equations (see above).                   ~17 m and from ~23 to ~44 m, respectively. The surfaces of some boul-
                                                             ders display biogenic encrustations of vermetids (Fig. 2d). The latter live
        3.7. Hindcast data of wave numerical simulation      in the mid-infralittoral zone, and then suggest a submerged pre-
                                                             transport location of the block. Several boulders show sharp edges and
          In order to perform an evaluation of extreme wave height along the  striae on their surfaces (Fig. 2e, f). Pieces of wood were also observed
        Punta Faraglione and Punta Fanfalo coastal zones, we use wave data (i.e.  embedded in these deposits.
        offshore wave heights, their directions (Dir) and wavelengths (L m )  Underwater surveys also highlight the presence of free boulders
        related to the points 8507 and 8678; see  with sharp edges and sockets carved out in the rocky platform
        meteocean/hindcast.html for location) of the wave energy resource as-  (Fig. 2g, h) and mostly colonized by turf algae. This is in agreement
        sessment in the Mediterranean Sea (see Besio et al., 2016 for details), for  with the hypothesis considering the submerged pre-transport scenario
        the period spanning from 1979 to 2015. The whole dataset was obtain-  for some of boulders that are presently accumulated in the proximity to
        ed through hindcast numerical simulations using the Wavewatch III  the shorelines.
        v3.14 model (Tolman, 2009). The model resolution is almost 0.1° in lon-  Joint-defined blocks not yet detached from the shore platform (pre-
        gitude and latitude and one hour in time.            dicted boulders sensu Stephenson and Naylor, 2011, Fig. 2i) as well as
          Five offshore wave direction ranges were selected from the analyzed  seaward-facing and joint-defined sockets were also locally observed at
        hindcast dataset on the base of A-axis orientations by considering that  the edge of the shore platform (Fig. 2l). Sockets are carved out in the
        the directions of the A-axis and the wave responsible for the boulder  same lithologies that constitute the boulders (Fig. 2i, m). Many sockets
        transport are approximately parallel. In particular, the wave direction  have fresh and uneroded surfaces.
        ranges are N290–N330, N330–N360, and N20–N30 for Punta Faraglione,  The values of the A, B and C axes measured on 48 boulders and 28
        N270–N300 and N220–N260 for Punta Fanfalo. The maximum wave  sockets are shown, respectively, in Tables A1 and A2. Axesvaluesofav-
        height (H 0 ) related to each direction range was chosen for each year.  erage size boulders are ~1.95 × 1.40 × 0.40 m while the biggest is ~3.70
          The wave heights at the breaking point (H b ) of the coastal area were  × 2.30 × 0.70 m, with a resulting volume and mass, respectively, of
        calculated by using the equation proposed by Sunamura and Horikawa  ~6 m and ~12.5 t.
        (1975):                                                 About 98% of boulders exhibit a tabular or bladed shape (Fig. 4a) and
                                                             are characterized by slightly smoothed or angular edges, forming angles
                   0:2      −0:25
        H b =H o ¼ tanβð  Þ    H o =L m Þ                    in the range between 60 and 90° (Fig. 2n). The histogram of boulders'
                                                             thicknesses (C axis) shows a bimodal distribution marked by two fre-
        where β is the slope of sea bottom in the coastal area.  quency peaks at 25–30 cm and 35–40 cm (Fig. 5). Only 20 boulders
                                                             have the length of the C-axis lower than 20–25 cm or N45–50 cm. The
        4. Results                                           minimum and maximum class values of the C-axis measured in this lo-
                                                             cality are, respectively, 15–20 cm and 80–85 cm.
        4.1. Boulder and socket setting and measurements        The prevailing directions of the A-axis are in the range between
                                                             N120 and N150, which is almost perpendicular to the direction of
          Lower Pleistocene grainstones are well exposed in both the Punta  the coastline (Table A1 and Fig. 6a), while a group of 12 boulders
        Faraglione and Punta Fanfalo coastal areas, and form a prograding  shows directions of their A-axis in the range of N160 and N180,
        beach/near foreshore complex system, with foreset beds dipping to-  which form angles with the coastline between 40° and 70°. Only
        wards the southwest (see Section 4.2 for the lithofacies description).  for few blocks the A-axis directions are almost parallel to the
        The thickness of strata ranges between ~15 and 85 cm at Punta  coastline.
        Faraglione, while it reaches 100 cm in the Punta Fanfalo coastal area  Axes measurements of average size of sockets are ~1.60 × 1.20 ×
        (Fig. 3). The dip direction of the beds is roughly perpendicular to the  0.32 m, while the biggest is ~2.50 × 1.15 × 0.50 m (Table A2). Sockets
        coastline at Punta Faraglione, while it is almost parallel to the coastline  are mainly characterized by a tabular or bladed shape and only 7% dis-
        at Punta Fanfalo. As a consequence, in the latter locality only the  play a rod shape (Fig. 4b).
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