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F. Pepe et al. / Geomorphology 303 (2018) 191–209               199
                                                               wave heights (H T in Table A3) vary between tens of centimeters up to
                                                               2.8 m.
                                                                 In the case of boulders detected along the Punta Fanfalo coastal zone,
                                                               results obtained by hydrodynamic equations of Nandasena show that
                                                               the minimum flow velocities for joint bounded boulders must be in
                                                               the range from ~4 m/s to ~8 m/s. In the submerged scenario, flow veloc-
                                                               ities vary from ~2 m/s to ~3 m/s for submerged boulders moved by slid-
                                                               ing, from ~3 m/s to ~5 m/s for blocks transported by rolling/
                                                               overturning, and from ~5 m/s to ~9.5 m/s when the transport occurs
                                                               by saltation/lifting (Table A3). Furthermore, the joint bounded boulders
                                                               can be transported when storm waves are high, from ~2 m and ~7 m.
                                                               Submerged boulders transported by sliding and rolling/overturning
                                                               need storm wave height not exceeding 1 m and 3 m, respectively. In-
                                                               stead, wave height between ~3 m and ~9 m are necessary for sub-
                                                               merged boulders moved by saltation/lifting. Alternatively, transport of
                                                               boulders by a tsunami would occur when the wave heights are from
                                                               few tens of centimeters up to ~2 m (Table A3).

                                                               4.6. Hindcast numerical simulation data
                                                                 Table A4 shows the hindcast data related to the two studied sites. In
                                                               particular, we have selected the H b values with directions parallel to the
                                                               A-axis directions measured for each boulder. Therefore, the selected H b
                                                               values have directions ranging from N290 to N330, from N330 to N360,
                                                               from N20 to N30 for Punta Faraglione, and from N270 to N300, from
                                                               N220 to N260 for Punta Fanfalo.
                                                                 The hindcast data of the offshore of Punta Faraglione indicate that
                                                               the significant waves oriented between N290-N330 have heights span-
                                                               ning from a minimum value of ~4 m in 1989 up to ~8.5 m reached in
                                                               1981 (Table A4). In the other two wave direction classes, N330-N360
                                                               and N20-N30, the significant wave heights are ranging, respectively,
                                                               from ~3.5 m to ~9 m (years 2010 and 1981 in Table A4) and from
                                                               ~2 m to ~5 m (years 1993 and 2015 in Table A4). By applying the
                                                               Sunamura and Horikawa (1975)equation to offshore wave height
                                                               values, the wave height at the breaking point for the coastal area are be-
                                                               tween ~4.5 m and ~9 m, ~4 and ~9.50, and 2.3 and ~5.5, respectively, for
                                                               the direction ranges of N290–N330, N330–N360 and N20–N30.
                                                                 The hindcast data related to the offshore of Punta Fanfalo show that
                                                               the significant waves with directions falling between N270 and N300
                                                               have heights from ~4 m to ~7.50 m, computed for the years 1997 and
                                                               1987, respectively (Table A4). The significant wave heights, related to
                                                               the wave direction class of N220-N260, assume values between 2 m in
                                                               1991 and 5.5 m in 1987. The results computed by the Sunamura and
                                                               Horikawa (1975) equation indicate that the waves at the breaking
                                                               point have heights ranging from ~5 m to ~9 m and from ~2.5 m to
                                                               ~6.7 m, respectively, in the wave direction ranges of N270-N300 and
          Fig. 6. Directions of the A-axis inferred from orientation analysis of boulders accumulated
          along the coastal areas of a) Punta Faraglione, and b) Punta Fanfalo. The average direction
          of the coastline is also indicated.                  5. Discussion
                                                                 Favignana Island is an excellent field for investigating the litho-
          4.5. Flow velocity and wave height required to initiate the transport  structural control on boulder production in a rocky coast setting as
                                                               well as their transport and deposition as a consequence of high-
            By applying Nandasena's equations to joint bounded boulders sur-  magnitude storm waves.
          veyed along the Punta Faraglione coast, the majority (90%) of them
          need minimum flow velocities in the range between ~5 m/s and 8 m/s  5.1. Boulder production
          to initiate transport, while only 10% require velocities up to 9 m/s.
          Also, the storm wave height, necessary to initiate transport of these  Our datasets provide substantial evidence that, in the investigated
          blocks has values between ~2 m and ~8 m. For submerged boulders,  localities, boulders are originated by block detachment from the (sub-
          flow velocity values span, respectively, from ~2 m/s to ~4 m/s, from  merged and emerged) platform edge, and on the transport and deposi-
          ~4 m/s to ~6 m/s, and from ~5 m/s to ~10 m/s, in the cases of initial  tion of these boulders along the two coastal zones. In fact, the lithologies
          transport by sliding, rolling/overturning or saltation/lifting (Table A3).  of boulders are the same as the prograding beach/near foreshore com-
          Moreover, storm waves must have heights from 0.6 m to 1.5 m, from  plex system exposed in the rocky coast. The presence of sockets carved
          1.7 m to 4 m and from ~3 m to ~11 m, respectively, when the transport  out in the rocks with the same lithologies that constitute the boulders
          occurs for sliding, rolling/overturning or saltation/lifting. If boulder  and the correspondence of the morphometry between sockets and
          transport was due to a tsunami rather than a storm, the computed  boulders provide further confirmation that the production of the blocks
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