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    AcknowledgmentsT. he work wasfundedby a CNR-GNDT grant supporctonnectewdithBirgitMiiller.SpeciatlhanksaregiventoCorpo
(96.02955.P.F.54c) onnectedwith M. Grasso.We thankthe Deutsche delleMiniere,SezioneIdrocarburPi,alermow, hoprovidedthedataand
Forschungsgemeinschawfht,o funded this work as part of the C.-D.Reuthear ndJ.Adamforfruitfuldiscussiodnuringthepreparation
collaborativeresearchcenter SFB 108 (SFB publication425) at the of the paper.A. Amato, S. Bell, G. Spadini,J.-M. Daniel, and an
GeophysicInasl titut(epublicatio6n73)of theUniversitoyf Karlsruhe. anonymourseviewerarethankedfor theconstructivceriticismto early
We thanktheHeidelbergAcademyof ScienceasndHumanitiefsorthe versionsof themanuscript.


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