Page 11 - Seismogenic_evidence_2007
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06 133-20 06(209-222)  25-06-2007  14:24  Pagina 219


                                                               TABLE 3
                    Quantitative comparison of the seismic activity level within the ABT and the SBT seismogenic provinces.
              The number of earthquakes refers to events sited above the 0-to-25 km ABT and SBT depth contour lines and occurring during the time
              interval of catalogue completeness for magnitude classes. The areal extents of the Shallow (S) and Deep (S) sub-provinces have been mea-
              sured in the maps of fig. 2a and b, between the 0-10 and 10-25 depth contour lines, respectively. The energy released (ER) by the earthquakes
              numbered in this table was calculated using the GUTENBERG & RICHTER (1942, 1956) empirical relationship, that relates the energy to the
              instrumental magnitude. It was computed for classes of magnitude normalised to the time window of completeness of each class (∆TC)
              divided by the areal extent (A) of the seismogenic provinces and sub-provinces.
              – Confronto quantitativo fra il livello di attività sismica associato alle province sismogenetiche localizzate al tetto del
                                     sovrascorrimento basale adriatico (ABT) e di quello siciliano (SBT).
              Il numero di terremoti per classi di magnitudo è derivato dalla lista di tab. 2. L’energia rilasciata (ER) è stata calcolata per classi di magnitudo
              normalizzate nell’intervallo di completezza di ciascuna classe (∆TC), ed è stata divisa per l’estensione areale (A) della provincia sismogenetica.
              ER è stata ricavata dall’applicazione dalle relazioni empiriche di GUTENBERG & RICHTER (1942, 1956), tra energia e magnitudo.

                          Seismogenic Provinces  Areal     Number of eqs. Number of eqs. Observed Mmax  ER / ∆TC  ER / ∆TC / A
                                 (SP)          Extent (km 2 )  4.5 ≤≤ ≤≤ M <5  M≥≥ ≥≥ 5  (Maw ± Daw)  erg / y  erg / y / km 2
                         Adriatic Basal Thrust SP
                            Sub-province S     6700 km 2      15         19       5.94±0.03    5.5E+18  8.2E+14
                            Sub-province D     7700 km 2      24         18       6.08±0.11    6.6E+18  8.5E+14
                            Entire province    14400 km 2     39         37       6.08±0.11    1.2E+19  8.4E+14
                         Sicilian Basal Thrust SP
                            Sub-province S     6900 km 2      11         4        5.57±0.19   3.5E+17  5.1E+13
                         Sub-province S - AL zone  6900 - 3.100 km 2  11  4       5.57±0.19   3.5E+17   9.2E+13
                            Sub-province D     9300km 2       17         6        6.12±0.07   4.7E+18  5.0E+14
                            Entire province    16200 km 2     28         10       6.12±0.07   5.4E+18  3.3E+14
                          Entire province- AL zone  16200- 3.100 km 2  28  10     6.12±0.07   5.4E+18  4.1E+14

              mic. Four moderate earthquakes with 5≤M aw <5.5 and two  thus selected, we computed the energy (E measured in
              highly damaging earthquakes – Belice 1968 (M aw =6.12)  erg) released in each province by applying the energy-
              and Catanese 1818 (M aw =6.0) – are associated with the  magnitude relation of GUTENBERG-RICHTER (1956) (Log
              Mainland Sicily Province. A catastrophic event which  E=11.4+1.5M). For uniformity, in this calculation we
              struck central Sicily around the year 361 earthquake  always used magnitude values expressed as M aw , with
              (M aw =6.6) may be also associated with this province  the only exception of two minor instrumental events for
              (JENNY et alii, 2006).                                which M aw was not available. Consequently, in the case
                                                                    of seismic sequences, such as the Belice one for example,
                                                                    we used only the available M aw , estimated for maximum
                             6. THE ENERGY RELEASE                  magnitude event.
                                                                       The computed yearly energy release (ER/∆TC) is
                  Usually, several difficulties have to be dealt with  ~1E+19 erg/y for the ABT and ~5E+18 erg/y for the
              before evaluating the level of seismic activity of a region:  SBT. In order to better compare the level of seismic
              the seismological catalogues should contain homoge-   activity among the four sub-provinces, we computed
              neous magnitude determinations, declustering should be  the yearly energy released by each of them and nor-
              performed, and the completeness of the record should be  malised this value to the sub-province areal extent (A).
              determined. Then, in order to compute the level of seis-  We obtained similar ER/∆DTC/A values in the case of
              mic activity in the two study provinces in terms of energy  the two deep sub-provinces (~8E+14 erg/y/km for the
              release, we first determined, through application of the  ABT and ~5E+14 erg/y/km for the SBT) and different
              MULARGIA’s  et alii (1987) method, the completeness of  values for the two shallow sub-provinces, the energy
              the here compiled seismological dataset, which consists  released by the shallow ABT being significantly higher
              of the seismic events with magnitude moment  ≥4.5     than that by the shallow SBT (~8E+14 erg/y/km for
              occurred in the time interval 217 B.C.-2005 A.D. above  the ABT and ~5E+13 erg/y/km for the SBT) (see tab.
              the 0-to-30 km ABT and SBT depth contour lines. We    3). If we subtract the area occupied by the central Agri-
              verified that the Sicilian dataset may be considered com-  gento-Licata zone (dotted area in fig. 5b) from the total
              plete since 1600 A.D.±200 for M aw ≥5.5, since 1680   areal extent of the SBT shallow sub-province, the
              A.D.±100 for 5.0≤M aw <5.5 and since 1820 A.D.±60 for  yearly ER increases up to ~9E+13 erg/y/km , but
              4.5≤M aw <5.0. The Adriatic dataset may be considered  remains significantly lower than that of the shallow
              complete since 1640 A.D.±200 for M aw ≥5.5, since 1680  ABT (tab. 3).
              A.D.±80 for 5.0≤M aw <5.5 and since 1860 A.D.±20 for     In summary, the total level of energy released within
              4.5≤M aw <5.0. We excluded from the dataset the events  the ABT Province is higher than that within the SBT
              linked to the Etna volcanic activity and to the intra-  Province, but once we normalise the ER value to the
              Apennine and northern Sicily extensional deformation  areal extent of the sub-provinces almost all the differ-
              plus those with uncertain seismotectonic assignation.  ence is absorbed by the shallow sub-provinces, whereas
              Among the remaining events (labelled SC, shallow com-  the deep ones are very similar. If an earthquake with
              pressional, and DC, deep compressional within the list of  magnitude about 6 would occur within the AL zone,
              tabs. 2a and 2b), we only consider those which occurred  which has been silent in historical times, then also the
              within the time range of the completeness catalogue for  level of activity of the shallow sub-provinces would be
              the different magnitude classes. Starting from the events  almost the same.
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