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              220                                          G. LAVECCHIA ET ALII

                                 7. CONCLUSIONS                     BARATTA M. (1897) - Materiali per un catalogo dei fenomeni sismici
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              confident enough to state that the ABT and SBT are       che fold and thrust belt. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 52, 557-578.
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                                                                       Eastern Sicily. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 55, 61-70.
              Maghrebian fold-and-thrust belt system. They are both
                                                                    BEN AVRAHAM Z., BOCCALETTI M., CELLO G., GRASSO M., LENTINI
              first-order crustal-scale seismogenic structures which   F., TORELLI L. & TORTORICI L. (1990) - Principali domini strut-
              strongly control reverse, reverse-oblique and strike-slip  turali originatisi dalla collisione Neogenico-Quaternaria nel Medi-
              seismic activity. Relatively deep (10-to-30 km) seismicity  terraneo. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 45, 453-462.
              occurring in the pede-Apennine region and in mainland  BOLLETTINO MACROSISMICO - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica, Roma.
              Sicily may be associated with brittle shearing of the mid-
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              low seismicity (<~10 km) close to the ABT and SBT sur-  BOLLETTINO SISMICO ITALIANO.
              face tip line is associated with reverse, oblique and  BONCIO P., LAVECCHIA G. & PACE B. (2004) - Defining a model of 3D
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              both the ABT and SBT seismogenic compressional           D. & VALENSISE G. (2000) - Catalogo dei forti terremoti in Ita-
              provinces (42 events with 4.5≤M aw  ~6.0 in Sicily and 76 in  lia dal 461 a.C. al 1997. Annali di Geofisica, 43, 843-868 and
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              we point out not only a close geometric and seismotec-  BUTLER R.W.H., GRASSO M. & LA MANNA F. (1992) - Origin and
              tonic similarity between the ABT and SBT (figs. 2 and 5),  deformation of the Neogene-Recent Maghrebian foredeep at the
              but also an impressive, and up to now unnoticed, equiva-  Gela Nappe, SE Sicily. Journal of Geological Society of London,
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              the «Pede-Apennine Province» and of the «Mainland     CACCAMO D., NERI G., SARAO A. & WYSS M. (1996) - Estimates of
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              extremely intriguing, as they are similar in terms of active  logia della deformazione lungo tre sezioni bilanciate dall’appenni-
              tectonics and seismogenic sources. This difference may   no Umbro-Marchigiano alla costa Adriatica. Studi Geologici Ca-
              be ascribed to a more ductile mechanical behaviour of    merti, Vol. speciale 1991/1, 295-314.
              the shallow SBT, under different rheological constraints,  CALAMITA F., COLTORTI M., PIERUCCINI P. & PIZZI A. (1999) - Evolu-
              and/or to longer recurrence time intervals. Our research  zione strutturale e morfogenesi plio-quaternaria dell’Appennino
              certainly needs further development, but we hope it will  umbro-marchigiano tra il preappennino umbro e la costa adriati-
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              help to stimulate a revaluation of the seismic potential of  CALAMITA F., SCISCIANI V., MONTEFALCONE R., PALTRINIERI W. &
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                 We wish to acknowledge Laura Peruzza and Marco Menichetti  ternary burial/exhumation paths of the Central Apennines (Italy):
              for constructive comments on the manuscript and Pierpaolo Guar-  implications for the definition of the deep structure of the belt.
              nieri for accompanying us to visit some Sicilian active folds. Many  Boll. Soc. Geol. It., 123, 503-512.
              thanks to Bruno Pace and Paolo Boncio for daily discussion on the  CARBONE S., CATALANO S., DI STEFANO A., GUARNIERI P. & LENTINI
              topics.                                                  F. (2000) - Evoluzione tettonica della Sicilia orientale. In: Le ricer-
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