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186 M. Vacchi et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 155 (2016) 172–197
Fig. 8. RSL reconstructions in southwestern Sardinia (#8), north-central Latium (#9), Gulf of Gaeta (#10) and Salerno Bay (#11). Index points (boxes) are plotted as calibrated age against
change in sea level relative to the present. Limiting points are plotted as terrestrial or marine horizontal lines. Dimensions of boxes and lines for each point based on 2s elevation and age
errors. The relative sea-level data are compared to a prediction (red line with minimum and maximum errors) from the SELEN model (see Section 4). Red dots represent the approximate
location of RSL data-points. Th, Tharros, Mi, Is Mistras, Or, Gulf of Oristano, Pi, Piscinni Bay and Malfatano Cape; St, Sant’Antioco; Ca, Cagliari; No, Nora. Cv, Civitavecchia; Sm, Santa
Marinella, Ti, Tiber Delta. Fo, Fondi coastal plain; Fr, Formia; Po, Pontine Archipelago; Vp, Volturno coastal plain. Sp, Sele coastal plain.
Is Mistras places the RSL at −2.2 ± 1.0 m. Late Holocene index and lim- the Tiber Delta. At ~8.5 ka BP, multiple intercalated index points place
iting points indicate that RSL rose to within ~1.4 m of modern MSL from the RSL at −8.9 ± 1.2 m and between −3.1 and −2.1 m at ~5.5 ka
~2.5 ka BP to present. BP. The Late Holocene RSL history is poorly constrained.
At ~2.0 ka BP, different archaeological interpretations (see
5.9. North-central Latium (#9) Section 2.2)of Roman fishtanks place the RSL between ~−1.3 m and ~
−0.4. At ~2 ka BP, one intercalated index point places the RSL at
The RSL history for the northern Latium coast spans the early Holo- −0.6 ± 0.6 m and a further archaeological index point indicates RSL
cene to present and constitutes 36 index points and 13 limiting points was at −0.8 ± 0.2 m at ~1.7 ka BP.
(Fig. 8, #9). Data derive from salt and freshwater marshes from the
Tiber Delta and from archaeological investigations carried out on the 5.10. Gulf of Gaeta (#10)
Tiber Delta (Portus and ancient Ostia), near Santa Marinella and Civita-
vecchia (Fig. 8, #9). The two oldest index points place the RSL at The database for the northern Campania coast consists of 11 index
−43.9 ± 0.7 m at ~12.8 ka BP. A suite of intercalated and basal index points and 5 limiting points from cores on the Volturno and Fondi
points shows a rapid rise between ~12.7 and ~10.9 ka BP when RSL plain and archaeological surveys in Formia and the Pontine archipelago
was at −28 ± 0.5 m. There is considerable scatter in the younger inter- (Fig. 8, #10). A terrestrial limiting point suggests RSL was below ~
calated index points, probably reflecting the influence of water and or- −27.0 m at ~11.7 ka BP. The oldest intercalated index point places the
ganic content, long-term tectonic uplift and the depositional history of RSL at −24.6 ± 1.0 m at ~8.8 ka BP. RSL rose to −7.5 ± 0.6 m at