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and fall of blocks extremely variable in sizes (fig. 1). The ongoing climate change
and particularly the variation in temperature regimes and fluctuations in sea level
in the Mediterranean and Sicily seem to intensify the falls activity (Puglisi et alii,
2007). These climatic dynamic indeed increase thermoclastic processes and
erosion at the foot of the cliffs. The low human activity in these areas reduces the
real risk conditions that remain concentrated in some bays frequented by tourists
during the long warm season of the year. Local government of Favignana pays
special attention to the evolution of the coastal system, consisting in the high coast
and the emerged and submerged beach below. Rock falls, in fact, can heavily
influence the availability of the beaches below, resulting in a partial and/or total
access and bathing ban in places that for their beauty are often a popular tourist
attraction. In addition, the quarries and the caves are a natural and cultural heritage
of great anthropological value that, once destroyed, can no longer be

Figure 1- Rock blocks fallen at Cala del Bue Marino

2. Objective of the study

The aim of the study is to contribute to the mitigation of geomorphological risk in
the Favignana island. The cliffs monitoring and the movements characterization
are aimed to identify the most active areas and to provide support to the local gov-
ernment's policies in the implementation of mitigation measures. Given the char-
acteristics of the sites, inserted into the largest European marine protected area, the
intervention measures will must also be characterized by a high degree of envi-
ronmental sustainability. If valid, effective and pleasant measures will be taken in
the future, operators and users of the tourist circuit will have the opportunity to en-
joy these amazing areas with lower level of landslide risk.
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