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discontinuities, longer than 100 meters, 50 cm open and 40 cm offset (fig. 5).
Nevertheless the integrated monitoring system did not return evidences of
significant movements in the first months of the project. This can be explained
with the discontinuous nature of the processes of rock collapse and does not
exclude the possibility of future movements.

Figure 4 – Comparison between the laser scanner images registerd before (fuchsia
dots) and after (blue dots) the block fall from the west side of Cala Rossa (blue
circle) occurred in October 26, 2012. Where the rock has not moved the points lie
on the same surface.

6. Conclusions

The results of the project give information on the movements in the monitored
areas, as well as a contribution to the development of the technologies used by the
mutual control of direct and indirect system used. The monitoring of the ancient
mining areas of Favignana is a necessary and appropriate action to prevent that the
cliffs and the most significant quarries at least become abandoned to an inexorable
degradation process of the historical and environmental features. The
enhancement of the safety level of these areas is an essential step for a sustainable
and secure tourism in the island. This is the way to ensure that what was left of the
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