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4.9±1.4) (Fig. 2a and b). On a total of 26 stations investigated, only in 13 were present
crustaceans. The most representative species (71 % of the total) were Socarnes filicornis
(67 specimens), Maera grossimana (45 specimens), Abludomelita gladiosa (24
specimens), Cheirocratus sundevalli (21 specimens) and Maera inequipes (18
specimens). All these species were found in the stations between 50 and 200 m depth,
when sediments were coarse-detritic until 130 m, and muddy mixed below this depth.

       In the Partenopean Archipelago were found, on average, 6.5±1.2 (total 200)
specimens and 3.5±0.6 (total 70) species. On a total of 46 stations investigated, in 31 we
found crustaceans. The species more represented were Cirolana neglecta (40
individuals), Cheirocratus sundevalli (22 individuals) and Tuberapseudes echinatus (8
individuals). The most number of them were found below 50 m depth when bottom was
characterised by mixed detritic-muddy sediments. The number of specimens found in
the Egadi islands was, on average, 4.8±0.8 (total 162) and the number of species was,
on average, 3.4±0.6 (total 73). On a total of 42 stations sampled, crustacean were
present in 28.

   Tab. 1 - Summarizing data of the crustacean assemblages found in the South Tyrrhenian Archipelagos
                                                      and Ustica Island.

                                  EGADI         AEOLIAN       PONTINE  PARTENOPEAN

                               MA LE FA US FI SA LI ST VU PN VE SS PO PA ZA PR CA IS

      number of stations       8 7 13 11 2 8 5        3 7 14 14 8 22 13 4 5 12 14
                                                      8 17 79 60 29 106 47 7 59 65 76
      number of specimens 63 40 59 246 9 22 9         5 12 28 40 16 52 28 7 12 36 37

      number of species        21 28 41 38 6 16 7



      Cheirocratus sundevalli     5 4 21     1        2 11 4 3 7 5           6 16
      Maera grossimana            2 45                   11   31       31

      Monodaeus guinotae       1         52              13                  2
      Ebalia tuberosa                    14              212
      Ampelisca seudospinimana 1 1              3        112

      Alpheus dentipes            1 112                  11






Fig. 2 - Average plus standard deviation of the number of individuals (a) and of the number of species (b).

   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9