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Fig. 4 - MDS representing Bray-Curtis similarity between archipelagos.

Tab. 3. Values of dissimilarity between archipelagos.

    PONTINE    72.8     79.4      90.3
PARTENOPEAN    88.5     80.8      90.7 80.0
               83.1     82.6

       We must be pointed out the finding of the decapod Monodaeus guinotae (Forest,
1976), in all archipelagos and the island of Ustica (Tab. 1). Until now the presence of
the decapod was reported only for Alboran Sea (García Raso, 1996), Western
Mediterranean (Forest, 1976; García & Gracia, 1996), Ionian Sea (Forest, 1976) and
Egean Sea (Turkay & Koukouras, 1988; Koukouras et al., 1993) areas.

       Another three rare species of decapods were found in the study area:
9 Parthenope expansa (Miers, 1879) was present with 4 specimens, 2 in the island of

    Ustica, 1 at Panarea (Aeolian) and 1 at Levanzo (Egadi) between 50-200 m depth at
    Ustica and between 50-100 m depth in the other two sites. In Mediterranean was
    reported for the Alboran Sea (García Raso, 1996), for the Ionian Sea (Pastore, 1975)
    and for Egean Sea (Pastore, 1975; Koukouras et al., 1992).
9 Heterocrypta maltzami marionis A. Milne-Edwards, 1881 was present with 3
    specimens in the Levanzo (Egadi), Panarea (Aeolian) and Capri (Partenopean) at 50-
    100 m depth. In the Mediterranean basin was reported for the Alboran Sea (García
    Raso, 1996), Western Mediterranean (García & Gracia, 1996), for the Adriatic Sea
    (Stevicic, 1990), for the Ionian Sea (Pastore, 1976) and for Egean Sea (Koukouras et
    al., 1992).
9 Cymonomus granulatus (Norman in W. Thomson, 1873) was present with 1
    specimen at Filicudi (Aeolian) at 400-500 m depth. In Mediterranean was reported
    for the Alboran Sea (García Raso, 1996), Western Mediterranean (Milne Edwards &
    Bouvier, 1900; Lankester, 1903), South Mediterranean (Lankester, 1903) and for
    Sardinia Channel (Mura & Cau, 2003).

       Crustacean assemblages in the South Tyrrhenian Archipelagos and Ustica Island
seem to be influenced by depth. Notwithstanding the low similarity it was possible to

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