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spot, in the cluster analysis, two assemblages (Fig. 5): group A and group B. The first
included, in general, the stations situated between 0 and 100 m depth, these stations are
dominated by detritic bottom. While the other group (B) was constituted by stations
ubicated deeper than 100 m, these stations were characterised by muddy or mixed
bottoms. Similar zonation of the macrobenthic communities was reported for Tuscan
Archipelago (Bianchi et al., 1993a; b).



        Fig. 5 - Cluster analysis representing Bray-Curtis similarity between bathymetric bands.4.

9 The present data lead to the collection of an historical data-set of the crustaceans
    assemblages of the South-Tyrrenian archipelagos, potentially useful for future
    studies concerning the AMPs’ effectiveness in the protection of biodiversity.

9 The assemblages considered didn’t allow to highlight a common typical insular

9 Only six species of crustaceans were present in all the four archipelagos and the
    Ustica Island. Monodaeus guinotae is cited for the first time for the Thyrrenian

9 Depth and bottom type may seem to influence the crustacean population structures
    rather than the geographic position.

Bianchi C.N., Ceppodomo I., Galli C., Sgorbini S., Dell'Amico F. & Morri C. 1993a.

       Benthos dei mari toscani I: Livorno - Isola d'Elba (Crociera ENEA 1985). In:
       Ferretti O., Immordino F., Damiani V. & Furia S. (Eds), Arcipelago toscano:
       Studio oceanografico, sedimentologico, geochimico e biologico. Enea Serie Studi
       Ambientali: 263-290.

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