Page 3 - 2001_12 RID1
P. 3

BUTEO 12 (2001): 99-102

The island of Marettimo, a strategic point for surveying the mi-
gratory flow of Accipitriformes crossing the channel of Sicily

Ostrov Marettimo, strategický bod pro pozorování migraèního toku
Accipitriformes pøes Sicilskou úžinu


    Dr. Nicolantonio Agostini, Via Carlo Alberto n°4, 89046 Marina di Gioiosa Jonica (RC),Italy;

         ABSTRACT. Observations on the spring migration of Accipitriformes over the island
         of Marettimo (southern Italy) were made from 26 March to 14 April 2000. This island
         is located at the narrowest point of the central Mediterranean between Sicily and Tuni-
         sia. A total of 921 birds were counted, nearly all Marsh Harriers and Black Kites. These
         results, and those of a previous study made on this island during spring 1998, agree
         with observations made at the Straits of Messina since 1984, while they disagree with
         those recorded at the Cap Bon promontory (Tunisia). In particular they confirm that the
         migratory flows of some species such as Buzzard, Short-toed Eagle and Long–legged
         Buzzard are virtually non-existent across the central Mediterranean.

During spring migration in the central Mediterranean, large numbers of Accipitriformes
cross the sea at its narrowest point, between Tunisia and Sicily (approx. 150 km; CRAMP &
SIMMONS 1980). To date, surveys of the migratory flow in this area have been made mostly
on the Cap Bon promontory (Tunisia; DEJONGHE 1980, HEIN & KISLING 1991, THIOLLAY
1975, 1977). In 1998 observations were made for the first time on the island of Marettimo
(Fig. 1), over which the greatest passage of raptors in the central Mediterranean occurs dur-
ing post-reproductive movements (AGOSTINI et al. 2000). At this site, during the second
half of March and the first half of May 1998, a total of 1664 raptors were counted, nearly all
Honey Buzzards (Pernis apivorus), Marsh Harriers (Circus aeruginosus) and Black Kites
(Milvus migrans) (AGOSTINI & LOGOZZO 1998). The aim of this study was to provide fur-
ther data on the spring migration of Accipitriformes at this site.

Marettimo is a small mountainous island (12 km ), oriented in a NNW-SSE direction,
about 30 km off western Sicily and 20 km west of the islands of Levanzo and Favignana
(Fig. 1). Monte Falcone is its highest relief, reaching 686 m. This island is located about 130
km NE from the Cap Bon promontory (Tunisia). Observations were made from 26 March
to 14 April 2000, using a single post at an altitude of about 500 m. From this post it was pos-
sible to observe both western and eastern coasts of the island. A total of 160 hrs of observa-
tion were carried out using 10x40 binocular between the (solar) hours of 9.00-17.00.

A total of 921 birds were counted, comprising 577 Marsh Harriers, 284 Black Kites, 50

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