Page 4 - 2001_12 RID1
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Fig. 1 - The study area (cb - Cap
                                                                              Bon promontory, m - Marettimo, s
                                                                              - Straits of Messina).

                                                                                        Obr. 1 – Studované území (cb - mys
                                                                                        Cap Bon, m - Marettimo, s - úžina

Montagu’s Harriers (Circus pygargus), 2 Hen Harriers (Circus cyaneus), 1 Pallid Harrier
(Circus macrourus), 3 Sparrowhawks (Accipiter nisus), 1 Booted Eagle (Hieraaetus
pennatus), 2 Honey Buzzards and 1 Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus). The maxi-
mum numbers of Black Kites and Marsh Harriers were recorded on 4 and 10 April when
100 and 244 individuals of these species were counted (Fig. 2). Species recorded on
Marettimo during spring 1998 (Agostini & Logozzo 1998) and 2000, agree with those ob-
served on the Straits of Messina since 1984 (DIMARCA & IAPICHINO 1984, GIORDANO
1991, AGOSTINI et al. 1995, AGOSTINI & MALARA 1997) while they disagree with those re-

Fig. 2 - Seasonal occurrence of migrating Marsh Harriers (MH) and Black Kites (BK) over the island
of Marettimo between 26 March and 14 April 2000.

Obr. 2 – Sezónní výskyt migrujících motákù pochopù (MH) a luòákù hnìdých (BK) pøes ostrov Marettimo
v období 26.3.-14.4. 2000.

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