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New and little known land snails from Sicily (Mollusca Gastropoda)  217

    Subsequently, this taxon is reported by Kobelt      nella conchiglia che nell’animale” ["... shows pretty
(1893; 1897) while Westerlund (1901) and Alzona         distinct characters both in the shell and in animal"].
(1961) consider it respectively as variety and sub-     Nordsieck (2007) did not mention it in his catalog
species of L. lopadusae. Alzona (1971), Holyoak         on the Clausiliidae of the world, Bank (2012) still
(1986) and Beckmann (1992) put L. nodulosa in sy-       considers it a synonym of L. lopadusae. L. nodulosa
nonymy with L. lopadusae. No news of this taxon         differs from L. lopadusae (Figs. 37-40. Figs. 45-48.
is reported by Manganelli et al. (1995) and Cossi-      Fig.51) for shell less robust, darker in color i.e. yel-
gnani & Cossignani (1995). Cianfanelli (2002), de-      lowish-brown (yellowish-grey in L. lopadusae),
spite considering it a synonym of L. lopadusae,         with deeper sutures, and whorls more convex so
reports that the population of the island of Lam-       that the shell profile, in frontal view, appears less
pione “… presenta dei caratteri piuttosto distinti sia  linear than L. lopadusae; peristome is less develo-

Figure 49. Genitalia of L. lopadusae nodulosa. Figure 50, 51. Body colour in L. lopadusae lopadusae (Fig. 50) and L. lo-
                          padusae nodulosa (Fig. 51). Figure 52. Lampione island (photo P. Lo Cascio).
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