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214  F. LIberto, S. GIGLIo, M.S. CoLoMba & I. SparaCIo

Family Clausiliidae Mörch, 1864                           are visible trough the opening (in apertural view).
                                                          On the palatum (Fig. 43) there is a lateral lunella
Lampedusa lopadusae nodulosa Montero-                     and, starting from suture: a long, well developed
sato, 1892                                                sutural plica; a second sutural plica variable in
                                                          length: as long as the first one, shorter, or someti-
Clausilia (Lopadusaria) nodulosa - Monterosato,           mes absent; principal plica thin and raised; palatal
1892: 29                                                  plica showing a rear portion merged with the upper
Clausilia (Lopedusaria) nodulosa - Kobelt, 1893: 303      part of lunella, a central indistinct part and an an-
Clausilia (Lopedusaria) nodulosa - Kobelt, 1897: 292      terior part in the form of relief just visible. Clausi-
Clausilia lopadusae var. nodulosa - Westerlund,           lium elongated, plough-like (Fig. 44).
1901: 105
Clausilia lampedusae var. - Giglioli, 1912: 217               Body. Animal oval-elongate, narrow, posteriorly
Lampedusa lopadusae nodulosa - Alzona in Zavat-           pointed, white-yellowish; upper tentacles short, cy-
tari, 1961: 427                                           lindro-conical, apically widened, with small black
Delima (Lmpedusa) lopedusae - Alzona, 1971: 92            eyes; lower tentacle very short (Fig. 51; see also
Lampedusa lopadusae, (synonym) nodulosa - Ho-             Cianfanelli, 2002 fig. 29).
lyoak, 1986: 217
Lampedusa lopadusae, (synonym) nodulosa -                     Genitalia. Anatomical organization of the geni-
Beckmann, 1992: 22                                        talia (Fig. 49) is similar to L. lopadusae (Soòs, 1933;
Lampedusa lopadusae, (synonym) nodulosa - Cian-           Pintér & Varga, 1984; Holyoak, 1986; Giusti et al.,
fanelli, 2002: 61, T. 9, f. 29                            1995) with penial complex consisting of flagellum,
Lampedusa lopadusae, (synonym) nodulosa -                 epiphallus, penis and penial diverticulum; flagellum
Bank, 2012                                                short and slender; epiphallus divided by insertion of
                                                          penial retractor muscle into proximal (1.5-1.6 mm)
    ExAMINED MATERIAL. Italy, Sicily, Pelagian Is-        and distal (1.2-1.9 mm) portions; long, hook-like pe-
lands, Lampione, 31.VIII.2009, 12 specimens, legit        nial diverticulum (1.5-1.88 mm) arising on border
T. La Mantia (CS); idem, 09.Ix.2009, 23 speci-            between epiphallus and penis; penis long (2.6-3.6
mens, legit A. Corso (CL); idem, 23.VII.2010, 5           mm); on the inner wall there are 5 longitudinal crests
specimens, legit T. La Mantia and S. Pasta (CS).          which are parallel in the distal portion and rather in-
                                                          distinct towards the penial diverticulum. Vagina
    DESCRIPTION. Shell sinistral (Figs. 33-36), me-       long; short, wide copulatory duct branched in a short
dium-sized (height 13-18.7 mm; maximun diameter           and slender duct of bursa copulatrix with small oval
3.6-4.4 mm), fusiform, apex obtuse, elongated and         bursa copulatrix, and a short diverticulum of bursa
inflated at half of its height, rather thick and robust,  copulatrix; short free oviduct.
yellowish-brown in colour when fresh; external sur-
face with oblique, thin and close ribs, 54-81 ribs on         BIOLOGY AND DISTRIBUTION. At the base of ve-
penultimate whorl. Spire with 9-10 convex whorls          getation, at the soil, under stones (T. La Mantia in
slowly and regularly growing, last whorl distinctly       verbis). L. lopaduse nodulosa is endemic of the lit-
narrower than penultimate whorl and tapering dow-         tle isle of Lampione (Fig. 52), Pelagian Islands, bet-
nwards, rather gibbous near umbilicus. Sutures            ween Sicily and Tunisia.
deep, subcrenulated; umbilicus slit-like, internally
closed; aperture about ¼ of shell height (height 3.5-         REMARKS. Monterosato (1892) described "Clau-
4.4 mm; maximun diameter 2.9-3.7 mm), irregu-             silia (Lopadusaria) nodulosa" from the island of
larly ovalar or sub-squared, peristome continuous,        Lampione, with the following words: ”Conchiglia
reflected, little thickenek. Aperture with 5 lamellae     solida, striata quasi obliquamente (nella C. Lopa-
on parietum and columellar side and 3 or 4 plicae         dusae le coste sono perpendicolari ed esattamente
and lunella on palatum. On parietum (Figs. 41-42),        lamellate); apertura a bordi ben rivoltati, porcella-
starting from suture, there are: parallel lamella in      niosi; colorazione bianchiccia; anfratti cochleae-
the form of small relief, spiral lamella at centre of     formi, apice più ottuso. Dimensione quasi la
parietum, columellar lamella, a little subcolumellar      stessa.” [“Solid shell, ribbed almost sideways (in C.
lamella, and a tooth like parietal lamella (upper la-     lopadusae the ribs are perpendicular and exactly la-
mella); only columellar lamella and parietal lamella      mellated); opening with edges well turned, porce-
                                                          lain-like; whitish colour; cochlea-shaped whorls,
                                                          apex more obtuse. Almost the same size"].
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