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218  F. LIberto, S. GIGLIo, M.S. CoLoMba & I. SparaCIo

ped and calcified; ribs are more oblique, more nu-        Helix (Xerophila) Jacosta var. mista - Westerlund,
merous and less robust; in the internal structure of      1889: 318-319 (Sicilien)
the shell, L. nodulosa mostly shows a second sutu-        Helix (Xerophila) Jacosta tineana var. kobeltiana -
ral plica (rarely present in L. lopadusae). Genitalia     Westerlund, 1889: 319 (Sicilien)
of L. nodulosa differ from L. lopadusae for penial        Helix (Xerophila) Jacosta tineana var. mista -We-
diverticulum slightly longer; the animal is lighter in    sterlund, 1890: 61 (Sicilien)
color. As reported in the original description of         Helix (Xerophila) Jacosta tineana var. kobeltiana -
Monterosato (1892), highlighted by Cianfanelli            Westerlund, 1890: 61 (Sicilien)
(2002) and confirmed by our observations, L. no-          Helicella Jacosta tineana - Pilsbry, 1894: 260
dulosa presents some morphological differentia-           Helicella Jacosta tineana var. mista - Pylsbry, 1894:
tions with respect to L. lopadusae and therefore we       260
believe it is worthy of taxonomic reconsideration,        Helicella Jacosta tineana var. kobeltiana - Pylsbry,
at least at the sub-specific level, also in view of its   1894: 260
peculiar geographical isolation. Indeed, the island       Helicella (Xerotropis) tineana - Alzona, 1971: 174
of Lampione, where L. nodulosa lives, reaches its         Helicella (Xerotropis) tineana mixta - Alzona,
maximum altitude at 36 m above sea level and is           1971: 174
approximately 17.5 Km far from Lampedusa, from            Helicella (Xerotropis) tineana kobeltiana - Alzona,
which is separated by a stretch of sea -80 m deep.        1971: 174
Despite its very little size, this islet harbours a very
rich pool of plant and animal species, particularly           ExAMINED MATERIAL. Italy, Sicily, Monte Cofano,
some local endemics of high biogeographic interest        Gorgo Cofano, 38°06’07”N 12°40’31”E, 228 m,
(Lo Cascio & Pasta, in press.)                            14.x.1984, numerous specimens (CS); Italy, Sicily,
                                                          Sciacca, Torre Macauda, 37°28’58”N 13°10’59”E,
Family Hygromiidae Tryon, 1866                            59 m, 1.VII/31.VII.1986, numerous specimens (CS);
                                                          Italy, Sicily, Monte Cofano, Gorgo Cofano,
Cernuella (Cernuella) tineana (Benoit 1862)               38°06’07”N 12°40’31”E, 228 m, 14.IV.1991, nume-
                                                          rous specimens (CS); Italy, Sicily, Ribera, Contrada
Helix tineana - Benoit, 1862: 185-187, t. 4, fig. 24      Castello, 37°30’18”N 13°15’04”E, 153 m, Ix.2005,
(Calatafimi)                                              3 specimens, 10 shells (CR); idem, 37°30’23”N
Helix tineana - Pfeiffer, 1868: 487 (Sicilia, Cala-       13°14’12”E, 144 m, Ix.2005, 2 specimens, 12 shells
tafimi)                                                   (CR); Italy, Sicily, Cava a Nord di Ribera,
Helix tineana - Benoit, 1875: 14 (Calatafimini)           30.xII.2007, 3 specimens, M. and E. Bodon (CB);
Helix Xerophila tineana - Kobelt, 1875: 18 (Ca-           Italy, Sicily, Sciacca, Torre Macauda, 37°28’58”N
latafimi)                                                 13°10’59”E, 59 m, 24.V.2008, numerous specimens
Helix (Xerophila) Jacosta tineana -Westerlund,            (CS); idem 22.II.2009, 23 shells (CL); Italy, Sicily,
1876: 104 (Sicilia)                                       Sciacca, Torre Macauda, 37°28’58” N 13°10’59” E,
Helix (Xerophila) Jacosta tineana var. kobeltiana -       60 m, 22.xI.2009, 1 specimen, 8 shells (CL); Italy,
Westerlund, 1876: 104                                     Sicily, Custonaci, Rio Forgia, 38°03’42”N
Helix tineana - Kobelt in Rossmassler, 1877: 103-         12°39’32”E, 56 m, 6.II.2011, 3 subfossil shells (Figs.
104, fig. 1452 (Sicilia, Calatafimi)                      70-72); Italy, Sicily, Monte Cofano, Gorgo Cofano,
Xerophila (Jacosta) tineana - Kobelt, 1881: 47            38°06’07”N 12°40’31”E, 228 m, 20.xI.2011, nume-
(Sicilien)                                                rous specimens (CS); Italy, Sicily, Monte Cofano,
Xerophila (Jacosta) tineana kobeltiana - Kobelt,          Gorgo Cofano, 38°06’07”N 12°40’31”E, 228 m,
1881: 47 (Sicilien)                                       4.III.2012, numerous specimens (CS); Italy, Sicily,
Helix tineana - Benoit, 1882: 37 (Calatafimini)           Custonaci, Baglio Cofano, 38°06’11”N 12°40’40”E;
Helix (Helicella) Jacosta tineana - Tryon, 1887:          250 m, 05.VIII.2012, 29 shells (CL).
253 pl. 62 fig. 92-94 (Sicily)
Helix (Xerophila) Jacosta tineana - Westerlund,               DESCRIPTION. Shell dextral (Figs. 53-55, 57-75),
1889: 318 (Sicilien, Calatafimini)                        medium-sized (height: 7.2 mm, maximum diameter
                                                          17 mm), depressed, robust, whitish or greyish-yel-
                                                          low in colour with brown band and dark apex; ex-
                                                          ternal surface finely and regularly ribbed, opaque,
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